Tuesday, March 31, 2015

3-31-15 evening card



You drew this angel card because you’ve been asking about your life’s purpose.  You already know that you have a deep affinity for sacred and spiritual books.  This card affirms that you’d be very fulfilled by taking your love of books to the next level.  You’re aware of what this involves because you’ve dreamed of immersing yourself in good books.
This card also means that the answer to your question is within books.  So pay attention to titles that are recommended to you or books that mysteriously fall from shelves, as they contain guidance for you.
This card is a call for you to take definite action toward your book-related dreams.  Whether you desire to write a book, open a bookstore, or read more, take the next step without delay.  The angels are assisting you with this endeavor, as you’ll read below.
Action Steps
Archangel Gabriel is the “messenger angel” who helps writers, teachers, and others involved with delivering spiritual messages.  Either silently or aloud say:
“Archangel Gabriel, I call upon you now.  Please help increase my courage and confidence to move forward with my book-related desires [tell Gabriel about your dreams related to books].  Thank you for motivating and organizing me so that I spend time every day devoted to my heart’s true desire, allowing my dreams to be manifested in Divinely perfect ways without delay.”
This card was drawn from the Angel Therapy Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue.


Caution is warranted. Look deeper into this situation before proceeding further.
You have asked for Heaven's guidance, and it is given. This situation isn't right for you. Some vital information had been concealed, so you will need to dig deeper and ask more questions of those involved. Trust your gut feelings, since that is how I communicate with you.
Please don't worry that this situation is the only opportunity available to you. It isn't! There is something better waiting for you, but first you will have to free yourself. Remember that 'nature abhors a vacuum.' So, you must create a vacuum, and then the new situation will reveal itself. Clearly, it takes courage and faith to leave a situation that you had a vested interest in. You may feel disappointed and betrayed. That is why you must call upon me and your other angels to help you stay strong and true to yourself. You deserve situations that are signed with love, and you don't have to settle for anything less.

Monday, March 30, 2015

3-30-15 evening card


Twin Flame

Card Meaning:  The answer to your question involves a spiritually based romantic relationship
You drew this card because your twin flame is intricately involved with the answer to your question.  A twin flame is a romantic partner who originated from your spiritual soul group – that is, he or she is “the one” in terms of soul-mate relationships.
Often, twin flames incarnate together during their last lifetime on Earth – after the reincarnation cycle has been completed and all karma has been balanced.  Until that lifetime, however, twin flames usually don’t incarnate simultaneously but instead volunteer to function as one another’s spirit guides.  So your twin flame could be guiding you from the other side, helping you with every area of your life, including romance with a soul mate.
Action Steps:
Write a letter to your twin flame’s guardian angels.  Begin the letter with “Dear Guardian Angels of my Twin Flame,” and then express all of your feelings, thoughts, and questions about your love life.  End the letter by asking these angels to prepare you to meet your twin flame or soul mate and to also arrange this visit.  You’ll recognize your twin flame or soul mate immediately, and there won’t be any doubt in your heart or mind when you’re face-to-face with him or her.


Archangel Raphael  
“I am helping you heal physical challenges in yourself and others. You are a healer like me”

I am with you because I am the Archangel of Healing. I am helping you heal your own body, as well as the physical bodies of others. I surround physical ailments with my healing energy of emerald-green light, and this energy is absorbed where it is needed.
I speak to healers through their thoughts and feelings. I help you to discern, in this way, if your life’s purpose is to be a healer. I can help you to know which areas of healing to study,and then assist with all aspects of your healing career. Call upon me whenever you need such help, and know that I will be with you in an instant

Sunday, March 29, 2015

3-29-15 evening card


You Are a Powerful Lightworker

It is safe for you to be powerful.  Your spiritual power brings great blessings in loving service to the Divine.
This card comes to you because the angels want to help you feel comfortable with your spiritual power.  You are extremely powerful because you (like everyone else) were made in the image and likeness of your powerful Creator.  Divine power flows through you when you hold the intention to conduct a healing or give a reading.
It is safe for you to feel and channel this power, as it is not a personal or ego-driven force.  When you intent to use Divine power in the service of love, you experience harmony in all of your activities.  The more comfortable you are with your spiritual power, the more steadily and evenly it flows through you.
Action Steps:
Tightness in your stomach muscles means that you’re experiencing a power struggle: You either feel that someone is trying to control you or you’re confused about how to use your power.  The next time you notice this tightening sensation say:
“Archangel Michael, please help me step into my Divine power with grace and gratitude.”
Notice your stomach muscles relaxing in response to this invocation, as well as the situation easing into a win-win solution.


Have faith and hope, because there is something positive and new on the horizon that you can't yet see.
The seeds that you have planted are beginning to sprout results. You may not even be aware of these results, however, since they are in their infancy. Now it is more important than ever to stay positive, and to hold a clear vision of your desire and intention. Avoid sceptics or those with negative mind-sets.
Daily action - even if it only consists of baby steps - toward the fruition of your dream is essential. A phone call, a letter, or reading relevant material will keep the energy of your manifestation at a high level. Every day, positively affirm that you have already achieved or exceeded your dream. And most important, ask for angelic assistance every step of the way.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

3-28-15 evening card



Card Meaning:  You have a strong bond with the fairies, and your life purpose involves helping Mother Nature.
You drew this card because the fairies wanted to let you know that they’re with you as spirit guides, helping you meet your physical needs and fulfill your life’s purpose.  The fairies urge you to spend time outdoors and help with their mission of cleaning the soil, water, and air.  They also protect and guide the animals.  If you’d like a Divine assignment helping animals or Mother Nature, just ask the fairies!
This card also indicates that you’re interested in manifesting money or some other material support.  The magical fairies are very glad to assist in your endeavor, provided that you return the favor by doing something good for the environment, such as recycling bottles and cans or switching to eco-friendly cleaning supplies.
Action Steps
Go to an area outdoors where trees and plants grow wild without pruning or pesticides.  This is the fairies’ preferred location.  In all sincerity, say to the fairies (either out loud or silently):
“I would like to feel and see your presence.  Can you please help me get to know you better?”
You’ll know you’ve connected with the fairies when you notice ideas or impulses that involve improving the environment or helping animals.  Often the fairies begin their introduction to a new person by requesting that you remove garbage from a nearby pasture or nature trail.  Once you fulfill the fairies request, they’ll gladly help you with your endeavor in return!
This card was drawn from the Angel Therapy Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtu


What do you desire right now? Visualize it, and it will come about. Negativity will block your process.
You have been asking the Universe and the angels, 'What is next for me?' Yet, we have been waiting for you to make that decision for yourself! That is why you have felt stuck lately. This impasse occurs because you are afraid of making a 'wrong' decision. We can help you to decide, but ultimately, the next chapter of your life is up to you. This is a period of your life that is unscripted.
Your desires are like a painting that you create upon the canvas of your life. Like an artist, you must decide what the theme, background, and foreground will be within your picture. Take some time out to meditate, pray upon, and contemplate this important decision. Be creative, and maintain standards for yourself. But remember: If you don't make a decision, that's the same thing as deciding that everything shall remain the same.

Friday, March 27, 2015

3-27-15 evening card


If You Get Nervous, Focus On Service

Put your entire intention on answering the question “How can I make the world a better place?” and the Law of Attraction will automatically take care of your needs.
You drew this card because you’ve been called into spiritual service, either as a healer or a teacher.  The thought of conducting public spiritual work may trigger nervousness.  Don’t worry though – this anxiety has no bearing on your readiness for service.  It’s simply the ego wrestling to gain control through fear.  The antidote is to focus on your higher self’s mission, which is loving service to the Divine.
Each client or audience member is one with you and the Creator.  You share one love and one spirit.  Your spiritual work is about connecting to that one great force in the Universe.  So while the ego wants to concentrate on “I” worries – such as “What if I can’t do this?” or “What if they don’t like me?” – the higher self is completely focused on lovingly giving service.
Your higher self is 100 percent psychic and is tapped into the Divine healing energy.  To operate out of your higher self, focus on blessing – instead of impressing – others.  Begin each session or seminar by opening your heart to loving everyone involved, and ask the question “How may I serve?” to put your higher self in charge.
Action Steps:
Sitting quietly, visualize yourself conducting a healing session, giving a psychic reading or seminar, writing a book, or doing some other spiritually based intention.
Imagine the people involved (such as your clients or audience members) smiling receptively at the service you’re providing.  Feel your heart opening to these people, who are brimming with gratitude that you’re giving so joyously.  See all of your material needs easily provided for, knowing that as you focus on giving, the Universe automatically gives back t


Now that you've asked the angels for help, be open to receiving Divine guidance and assistance. You deserve Heaven's help!
I'm so happy that you asked for help from the Universe and the angels. I am here to ask you to be open to our help. Sometimes I watch you struggle with situations that could easily be resolved if you would let me help you. I wait for you to give me any signal - a prayer or a thought of Help! - so that I can become involved in the solution.
Now you have asked for my help, and I am very glad to assist you. I only ask that you allow me to help you. Because, you see, at other times, you have blocked me from doing so. You believed that you didn't deserve my help, or that making necessary life changes was too threatening. Remember that I am here to help you ease your mind. I need you to trust my guidance.
Notice the strong and repetitious impressions that come to you through thoughts, feelings, and visions. These are real messages from the Universe - through me, to you. We won't let you fail in any way. You are fully supported by Heaven as you follow your Divine guidance.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

3-26-15 evening card


Ear Chakras

Notice messages that appear as sounds, music, and words, from both external sources and within your mind.  These messages are real answers to your prayers.
You received this card because the angels have been trying to get your attention.  They’ve heard your prayers and are giving you information and instructions so that you can take appropriate action.  You are hearing the angels’ messages in various ways: repetitive songs, an overheard conversation, a stranger’s out-of-the-blue reassurances, or words that you hear in your mind.  The angels’ messages are always loving, positive, trustworthy, and constructive.
Action Steps:
In a quiet place where you’ll be undisturbed, say the following to Archangel Michael:
“I now ask you to vacuum and clear any lower energies in my physical ears or ear chakras.  I am willing to release anything painful that I’ve ever heard, in exchange for clarity in my ability to hear the voice of love and the angels.”
This card was drawn from the Angel Therapy Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue.


I am the Angel of Peace. I bring you new tranquility, and a smoother road ahead.
You have been through turmoil, and your soul is tired. Your mind craves peace and quiet, and I am here to help you with that desire. I will give you new opportunities to spend time alone, where you can relax your mind and heart. I will bring tranquility to your soul so that you can mirror the peace of mind that is your true Divine nature.
Like the angels, you are able to hover within the eye of any hurricanes that may swirl around you right now. Through breath and intention, you can stay centered no matter what's happening in your life. This inner foundation of peace has a powerful healing effect. Your outer life soon reflects your inner peacefulness. Smooth roads are ahead for you, and the worst is behind you now. A peaceful outcome to this situation is assured.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

3-25-15 evening card


You Are Profoundly Clairvoyant

Trust what you see in your mind’s eye as well as with your physical sight, for your spiritual vision helps you with healing, teaching, and guidance.
The angels send you this card to help you trust the visions you receive in your mind’s eye during dream time, as well as the signs that you physically see (such as recurring numbers, feathers, coins, flashes of light, and so forth).  Since the Creator is all-seeing, it stands to reason that you (and everyone else) would inherit the gift of spiritual sight.
If your gift seems blocked, the cause may be a painful past experience that the angels can help you heal and release.
Know that it’s right for you to see clairvoyantly, as this blessing can be used to assist you with your healing and teaching work.  Your clairvoyance also gives you continuous and accurate guidance, much like a GPS electronic map in a car that guides you to the right destination.  Trust what you see!
Action Steps:
You’ll want to conduct this session in a private and quiet location, and have a pen and paper handy, as the process may trigger some vivid past-life memories.  Sit or lie down, and center yourself with steady and deep breaths.  When you’re ready, say:
“Archangel Raziel, I call upon you now.  Please surround me with the highest and purest vibrations of Divine love to heal and release any old fears connected to my spiritual sight.”
Then breathe and relax, as your body may tingle or shudder while it releases toxins.  Stay with this process until your body feels completely at ease.  Know that you can control your clairvoyance by asking the angels for help.


I am the Angel of Abundance. You will receive the money that you need, and God is in charge of how that will happen. Have faith.
The Universe is the source of all your good. Release all of your cares and worries to me, and I will bring them directly to the Universe. The more that you surrender this situation to Heaven, the more open you become. Your openness - like outstretched arms - welcomes the gifts that we bring you. When you worry, however, it closes you down. It then becomes more difficult for us to deliver your gifts. You don't notice your gifts, or you push them away.
The Universe's infinite creativity means that your financial support will come in unexpected ways. One of the reasons why you worry is because you don't know how your money will be delivered. You can release these worries by completely relying on God's wisdom and care. Notice your repetitive thoughts, feelings, and ideas. They are our way of communicating Divine guidance to you. As you follow these Divine directives, your supply comes to you on the wings of angels, without delay or reservation. The more that you can relax and trust, the faster we can bring these gifts your way.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

3-24-15 evening card


Sacral Chakra

You are highly sensitive to chemicals, additives, processed foods, and energies right now.  Respect your sensitivities by avoiding harsh items, situations, and relationships.
The angels sent you this card because they want you to understand your body’s profound sensitivity.  As a highly sensitive individual, you may at times experience confusion or numbness, which is a way of dealing with overwhelming physical sensations.  You may even try to self-medicate with chemicals, foods, or other addictive substances in order to shield yourself from harsh energies.  This card conveys a strong message, asking you to deal with your sensitivities in healthier ways.  The angels want to help you detoxify yourself from chemicals and processed foods.  They’re also leading you away from disagreeable situations and relationships, so allow these changes to occur.  The sacral chakra is the second energy center in the body, located between the tailbone and belly button.  Visualize it glowing a bright and clear shade of orange to keep this chakra balanced.
Action Steps:
Recline in a quiet location and say either silently or aloud:
“Archangels Raphael and Michael, please come to me.  I ask that you detoxify my mental, energetic, emotional, and physical body right now.”
Inhale and exhale deeply as the archangels work to clear you (you may notice shuddering or tingling sensations during this process, which is a positive sign of progress).  When your body calms down, say:
“Thank you Archangels, for this assistance.  I ask that you help me stay grounded and shielded with Divine love and light.”
This prayer will reduce cravings for chemicals because the purpose that they’ve formerly served for you will now be handled metaphysically.
This card was drawn from the Angel Therapy Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue.


As you honor and follow the guidance of your heart, prosperity is coming to you now.
You are fully supported by the Universe, and we have heard your prayers for financial support. Be assured that we see money as a symbol of the abundance. The Earthly negativity surrounding money comes from human minds alone. In Heaven, we see money as the energy of exchange. We know that you need material essentials. Like any loving parent, I wants you to be comfortable, safe, and happy. That is one of the reasons why I am your guardian angel.
Your finances have been blocked in the past because of guilt and other negative beliefs and emotions. I have helped you heal and release much of your negative association with money. Please know that I am here to help you so that you can help more people. The more that you allow me to give you, the more you will be able to give others. In the near future, you will be able to manifest all of your needs. But in the meantime, allow me to help you through my Heavenly contributions.

Monday, March 23, 2015

3-23-15 evening card


Vegetarian / Vegan

Card Meaning:  Fresh organic fruits and vegetables give you a boost of high life-force energy, which elevates your spiritual frequency.
Most likely you’ve intuitively heard this message from your guardian angels, who ask you to honor your body and spiritual path by only ingesting high-vibrating foods and beverages.  This means eating and drinking organic foods, which are free of chemicals such as preservatives and additives.  The Law of Attraction has guided you to consume items that mirror your spiritual path.
The angels can adjust your appetite and cravings so that this dietary change is pleasant and natural (see the following Action Steps).  In addition, the angels can help you afford any increased cost for organic produce, if you’ll ask them for assistance.
As you eat more fresh fruits, vegetables, and nuts, you’ll experience greater psychic clarity as well as an increased sensitivity to energy.  Be sure to call upon the angels to shield you should this sensitivity become too intense.  The angels will guide you to gentler situations and relationships so that you can enjoy being energetically open.
Action Steps:
Either lie down or sit in a quiet location where you won’t be disturbed and say:
“Archangel Raphael, I call upon you now.  I ask that you adjust my appetite and cravings so that they’re completely focused on organic and healthful foods and beverages.  I’m now willing to release any attachments to unhealthful substances, and I open my arms to honoring my healthy body.  Please guide my dietary choices so they are pure, high vibrating, and filled with Divine live-force energy.”

~Note from Cassie~
Boy did this card hit me tonight! I just came home from the store and cookies and ice cream and all kinds of things I should not be eating were on sale and of course I bought some. I came home and put things away and was feeling guilty for buying them and telling myself that NEXT time I won't cave in for the stuff just because it's one sale and low and behold I pull this card!  Of course I said the prayer and asked the Angels help. I think I am going to print it out and read it everyday too. Some things take more work than others to fix but we must never give up or feel guilty all we have to do is say help me........ Summer is coming we want to be more active here's to healthier eating for all of us! 
With Love and in the Light,  Cassie


When you take excellent care of yourself, everybody benefits. Give yourself a relaxing treat today, such as a massage, sea salt bath, or pedicure.
You are a giver, and the Universe loves you for that. Now it is time to give to yourself. I am helping you to spiritually open your body through the process of relaxation. So, you see that relaxing has its own productive side to it!
The more that you allow me and the other angels to give to you, the more you will be able to give to others. Your soul has called out to us, begging for some rest and relaxation. You have been working ceaselessly, and you have also been juggling many other people's interests. Now, it is time for your reward. This is a directive from the Universe: Take care of yourself, and don't allow yourself to be swayed from this important mission. Take steps right now to create time for relaxation. You will feel happier and have more peace of mind as a result, which will benefit everyone in your life!

Sunday, March 22, 2015

3-22-15 evening card


Crown Chakra

Pay attention to your ideas, as they are messages of true Divine guidance sent in answer to your prayers.
You drew this card because the angels are asking you to trust and follow the ideas you’ve recently received, as they are the answers you’ve been seeking for your current situation.  You already know the truth and the best course of action to take.  Trust this knowingness, and take appropriate action.  When you honor your ideas, the Universe reciprocates by sending you additional support while you make healthy life changes.
This card is also a message to clear the crown energy center (or chakra), which governs your ability to tap into the Universe’s collective wisdom.  Your crown chakra can become blocked if you dismiss your inner thoughts as wishful thinking or common knowledge.  Remember that all ingenious ideas begin as daydreams that turn into wonderful inventions.
Action Steps:
Archangel Uriel (whose name means “He who is Divine light”) is the angel of Divine wisdom and knowledge.  Sit quietly and say:
“Archangel Uriel, I call upon you now to clear and balance my crown chakra.  I ask for your assistance in boosting my belief and faith in the ideas that come to me.  Help me in responsibly following through with my Divinely guided ideas.“
This card was drawn from the Angel Therapy Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue.


A happy move to a new home or place of employment is in the works. This movement will usher in positive new energy.

Yes, it is time for a move. I am working with your other angels to keep your spirit and energy high during this move. Although it may seem as if moving requires a lot of effort, when you work with me and the other angels, it can actually be a time of great joy. I will help you to find a new location, and then I will assist you with the necessary details. I will also help your other family members to adjust to the move. Just ask!
All I request is your trust. Trust that the Universe and the angels are capable of finding just the right place for you. If you decide on one certain place and it doesn't work out, it is because we are bringing you something that's even better. Expect miracles to occur that allow you to afford this change. Stay positive, and don't buy into illusions or scarcity thinking. We will smooth the way, and we will also help you meet new people who can illuminate your path.

Saturday, March 21, 2015


“Your desired outcome will occur in the very near future. Have patience and faith, and don’t try to force it to happen”
Yes you will receive your wish. However, Divine Timing means that patience and positive visualization are needed right now. Ask me to help buoy your faith so that you don’t slip into negativity. You can speed up the process of answered prayers by having more faith in their inevitability. Conversely, doubts or worries about “how” your prayers will be answered will slow them down.
Remember that the “how” of answered prayers is up to the Divine wisdom of the Creator. Although you may feel urgency or even panic about your prayers, please trust that we angels are working nonstop behind the scenes to help you. Keep surrendering and releasing these worries and fears to God and the angels. The more that you can stay centered in faith, the more easily we can assist you.

Friday, March 20, 2015

3-20-15 evening card


Manifestation Power

You’ve got the power! With this card, the angels remind you of your innate spiritual abilities.  Perhaps you’ve been complaining about something or have been feeling like a victim under the influence of someone else’s will.  This card is a reminder that you do have the power to change everything in your life by using your natural spiritual gifts of manifestation.
When you complain, you give away your power to others.  Complaints are also negative affirmations that attract more of the same undesirable effects.  The angels would like you to replace the old complaining habit with a healthier response of visualizing and intending your desired outcome.  It works!
Action Steps:
Think about a situation you would like to improve; and write, draw, or create a collage that describes the preferred scenario.  Look at this depiction of your desires daily, and don’t worry about “how” they'll manifest.  Anytime you catch yourself worrying about or doubting your manifestation abilities, say:  “Archangel Jophiel, the angel of beauty, please beautify my thoughts about my desires so that they’re completely based in love.”


Archangel Gabrielle

“You have and important life purpose involving communication and the arts. Please don’t allow insecurities to hold you back. I will help you.”

I am with you as one of your guardian angels. You may wonder why an archangel is with you. I help many people simultaneously, and you are among them. I help those whose life purpose is in the arts or communication. I will help you polish and trust in your natural talents. Then I will open doors for you to express those talents in a way that will help others.
What I need from you in return is honesty and cooperation. Tell me about your fears, your hopes, your confusion, your insecurities, and your dreams. Ask me to help you. And then, please walk through the doors of opportunity that I open for you. I am on your side completely! My function is to be your coach, and as such, I may prod you along. Please know that I am only pushing you because I know that you need a little boost from above.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

3-19-15 evening card


Archangel Michael

You’re working very closely with this powerful archangel, who’s protecting and guiding you through this situation.
You drew this card as a validation of what you’ve already known or suspected: Archangel Michael is with you right now.  Archangels are large and powerful nondenominational angels who watch over guardian angels and the earth’s inhabitants.  Michael (whose name means “He who is like God”) is the angel who eradicates the effects of fear, provides protection for you and your loved ones, and lends his courage and backbone in the face of your taking intimidating action.
If you’re considering making life changes, such as leaving a job or a relationship, ask Michael for guidance and help in moving forward fearlessly.  Michael can also assist you in finding your life’s purpose, and he can tell you what steps to take next on your spiritual and career paths.
Action Steps
To increase your courage and confidence, say with sincerity:
“Archangel Michael, I call upon you now.  Please lend me your sword and shield of peace, and allow me to lean upon your strength and courage.  Help me to know and feel that I am safe and protected emotionally, physically, financially, energetically, and spiritually, Thank you.”
This card was drawn from the Angel Therapy Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue.


Keep charging ahead, and don't take no for an answer. Expect miraculous solutions to appear.
You are on the right path! Although it might seem to take a lot of time and effort, keep up the good work. You are definitely making progress toward your intended outcome. Sometimes flexibility is called for when you're working toward an aim. But in this instance, you need to stay firm in your conviction. Compromise will only water down the Divine plan that you're manifesting.
Resist the urge to bend, or to please others. In the end, these individuals will be pleased by the outcome. You're following a Divine course, and others may not be privy to the same vision that you're following. Do your best to explain this vision to the others involved, but don't feel the need to defend your actions. Look at my picture. I am coming out of the darkness and into the light. So are you. You know what you're doing, and we in Heaven are here to back you up fully!