Monday, August 31, 2015

Free Angel Card Reading 8-31-15

I have seen others post readings this way so I thought I would give it a try. I have chosen 3 cards from the decks below. Look at them and choose what number card calls to you. Once you choose post the number you choose and I will then close it out once I have a couple dozen commenters on this blog. I will then post what each card drawn was. So be sure to check back.

*note that facebook comments do NOT count ONLY comments on this blog site*

Many blessings may you find the answers you seek!
With Love and in the Light, Cassie

 Here are the cards to choose from:


 ok are you ready?

scoll down for the answers

 Card# 1


God speaks to you through your thoughts, and this card shows you that the angels want you to notice and follow the ideas you have recently received. These thoughts are answers to your prayers for guidance, so please don't discount them as mere imagination.
By drawing this card, the angels seek to give you confidence that you are just as capable of receiving wonderful ideas as any other child of God. That is because all wonderful ideas originate from the one Divine mind of God. Since God is omnipresent, meaning everywhere, God is within you. So, God's mind continuously expresses new thoughts and ideas right inside your mind! 

Card # 2 

Archangel Uriel  
“Your emotions are healing, which enables you to open up to greater love. I will help you release anger and unforgiveness from your heart and mind.”

I am called the Psychologist Angel because I help to heal toxins from people’s thoughts and emotions. I am especially able to release stubborn anger and unforgiveness. I am with you right now to clear away such toxins. I would also like to work with you to help others clear away such toxins. I would also like to work with you to help others clear away their emotional and psychological blocks.
My healing work is subtle. I never force it on anyone. Like you, I believe that it is best to wait until someone approaches me and directly requests guidance or assistance. Then, I simply and lovingly ask them to be willing to release toxins from their mind and heart. If they are willing to do so, then the release will occur. In this way, the person retrains their dignity and control, while choosing to be clear of lower energies

Card # 3 

Law of Attraction

Message From Your Angels: Each thought is an investment that pays immediate dividends, so invest wisely. You have the power to choose your thoughts and align them with love, peace, and harmony. At your request, we will gladly attune your energies to higher frequencies.
The angels gave you this card as a reminder that the Law of Attraction can help you improve the situation you’re inquiring about. Complaints and worry only attract more of the same, so elevate your thoughts (with the help of the angels) to attract what you desire. Several times a day, imagine that the situation was presently healed and perfectly manifested. Feel gratitude that it is already so in Spirit, which is the first part of attracting the material aspects of the situation.
Additional Meanings For This Card: Think about your desires, and avoid worrying or complaining • Rise up to the level of the type of person you wish to attract • As your spiritual energy increases, you’ll find yourself less attracted to lower energies in relationships and situations. This is normal, and the angels can help you deal with these endings and beginnings.



Twin Flame

Card Meaning:  The answer to your question involves a spiritually based romantic relationship
You drew this card because your twin flame is intricately involved with the answer to your question.  A twin flame is a romantic partner who originated from your spiritual soul group – that is, he or she is “the one” in terms of soul-mate relationships.
Often, twin flames incarnate together during their last lifetime on Earth – after the reincarnation cycle has been completed and all karma has been balanced.  Until that lifetime, however, twin flames usually don’t incarnate simultaneously but instead volunteer to function as one another’s spirit guides.  So your twin flame could be guiding you from the other side, helping you with every area of your life, including romance with a soul mate.

Action Steps:
Write a letter to your twin flame’s guardian angels.  Begin the letter with “Dear Guardian Angels of my Twin Flame,” and then express all of your feelings, thoughts, and questions about your love life.  End the letter by asking these angels to prepare you to meet your twin flame or soul mate and to also arrange this visit.  You’ll recognize your twin flame or soul mate immediately, and there won’t be any doubt in your heart or mind when you’re face-to-face with him or her.

Sunday, August 30, 2015


Now that you've asked the angels for help, be open to receiving Divine guidance and assistance. You deserve Heaven's help!
I'm so happy that you asked for help from the Universe and the angels. I am here to ask you to be open to our help. Sometimes I watch you struggle with situations that could easily be resolved if you would let me help you. I wait for you to give me any signal - a prayer or a thought of Help! - so that I can become involved in the solution.
Now you have asked for my help, and I am very glad to assist you. I only ask that you allow me to help you. Because, you see, at other times, you have blocked me from doing so. You believed that you didn't deserve my help, or that making necessary life changes was too threatening. Remember that I am here to help you ease your mind. I need you to trust my guidance.
Notice the strong and repetitious impressions that come to you through thoughts, feelings, and visions. These are real messages from the Universe - through me, to you. We won't let you fail in any way. You are fully supported by Heaven as you follow your Divine guidance.

Saturday, August 29, 2015




“Align your actions so that they match your values and inner knowingness of what is right for you.”
“”This card is a response to your questions or prayers about increasing your happiness and confidence. The angels answer is: Only conduct activities that you believe are right. This is based on no one else’s code of conduct but your own.
The angels say that engaging in behaviors that you feel guilty or ashamed about erode your self-esteem and self-confidence. Conversely, you can feel great about yourself by only doing
that which you feel is right. Again, this is based on your own moral compass and no one else’s.
The angels can help you change or heal any situation or relationship so that you are able to bring your entire life fully into alignment with your inner truth.
Action Steps

Lie down and meditate in the process normally thought of as ‘Daydreaming” – that is, allow your imagination to roam free. Instruct your mind, heart, and soul to show you a mental movie of you living your life as its healthiest and highest levels. Watch this movie, and notice how it makes you feel.

Friday, August 28, 2015


Your hoped-for aspirations are on their way to you. They may arrive in a different fashion than you expected, but the rewards that you truly desire - such as feelings of peace, security, happiness - are manifested exactly as you requested. Ask your angels to help you have faith in your ability to manifest. With this faith, you and God can do anything!
This is the process by which all thoughts transform into tangible form: First, they begin as an idea, born of Divine sources. Then the idea meets with a feeling. If the feeling is loving and nurturing, the idea and feeling creates an embryo of the manifestation. You nourish your newborn idea by believing in it and by following the step-by-step guidance that God and the angels give to you through your feelings, dreams, and visions. 

Thursday, August 27, 2015



Base Chakra         

Choose only positive words to describe your home, career and  finances, as your words determine your outcome.

This card indicates that you are focused on your material needs, such as desiring more money.
It’s imperative that you use only positive words and phrases to describe your current situation.
Affirm your desires as already being a reality ..., and avoid worry - or any discussion that casts you in a “victim role “.
The base chakra ( sometimes called the root chakra), located at the bottom of your spinal column, is the energy center that governs your feelings about your material needs.
To open your flow of Divine manifestations, imagine yourself inhaling n sending healing light to the base of your spine.
See and feel a huge ball of ruby red light glowing within you.
Since every worry is a prayer, drawing to you that which you’re worrying about, notice and replace worries with prayers and affirmations.
Call upon the Angels to boost your faith and confidence, which are two magical ingredients in conscious manifestation.
Action Steps
Sit in a quiet location, and bring your mind and body to a calm state.
Breathe in and out deeply while imagining your desired outcome as already being a reality.
For instance, picture yourself being completely financially secure.
As you hold this vision, allow your body to relax, and feel as though the vision were already true.
Feel the warmth of gratitude in your heart, the sense of security in your stomach, n the relaxation of all your muscles as you trust that this vision is manifesting for you right now.....

Wednesday, August 26, 2015



Cut Your Cords

Card Meaning:  Ask Archangel Michael to clear any old attachments to fear that stem form past relationships, freeing you from destructive patterns.
You drew this card because negativity connected to a past relationship is interfering with the situation you’ve inquired about.  Fortunately, this toxic energy can be easily vanquished with the help of Archangel Michael, a powerful angel who will release you from the effects of fear.
Anytime you or your partner experience fear within your relationship, a cord (similar to a leash made out of hollow tubing) is attached to both of you.  You may have cords (most people do) connecting you to your parents (living or deceased), siblings, lovers, those whom you’ve helped, such as students or clients, and anyone with whom you’ve shared a significant relationship.  Cords are nothing to be afraid or ashamed of.  They just need to be cut, as they can drain your energy and be the culprit behind physical pain.
Action Steps:
Think of a question or situation that you would like help with.  Then say aloud or silently:
“Archangel Michael, I call upon you now.  Please cut the cords of fear that have been blocking or draining me in the past.  I am now willing to trade all pain for peace.”
If you think of a specific person during this process, ask Michael to help you release the fear from that relationship.  You’ll feel your body shudder as cords are cut one by one.  Don’t worry; you can’t sever cords of love.  Repeat this process anytime you feel drained or blocked, as cords can grow back if fear returns to the relationship.
This card was drawn from the Angel Therapy Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015


You may feel trapped right now by life conditions. By
drawing this card, the angels ask you to realize that you are the only jail keeper that ever surfaces in your life. Whenever you realize that you have the power to be free, freedom follows. Everything that you do in your life is by choice, and you are free to choose again. Even prisoners are free to choose their thoughts so that they feel peace and happiness under any conditions.
The next time you begin a sentence with the words,"I have to _______," please stop. Ask God and the angels to show you some alternatives. They will either help you complete the task from a loving mind-set so that you don't feel trapped, or they will guide you to do something else that you will love.

Monday, August 24, 2015


Your prayers are being answered; there is no doubt about that. However, everything operates according to the Universal Laws of Divine Timing. This means that certain pieces of the puzzle must first fall into place so that other parts can come to fruition. If you try to skip or rush certain pieces or parts, the whole plan will lack a solid foundation.
Don't try to force open any doors that appear closed to you. Instead, ask your angels for guidance and see if the doors closed because of negative expectations, or if this simply a sign of Divine Timing. Look for other doors that do open, and walk through them with faith and gratitude.

Sunday, August 23, 2015


Emotional Sensitivity
Honor and respect your deep sensitivity, as it is a gift to us all!
Have you been teased, or felt bad, about the fact that you’re extremely sensitive?  If so, this card is the angels’ reassurance of the positive qualities within your gift of sensitivity.  For example, you accurately know whether or not a new acquaintance is trustworthy.  The angels are working with you to trust this feeling more often and not berate yourself if you’ve disallowed your intuition in the past.
You are peaceful by nature, so you naturally avoid conflict and other harsh energies.  Ask your angels to steer you toward other peace-loving people and keep all others away from you.  Honor your sensitivity by surrounding yourself with gentleness in your relationships, media choices, home life, and work situation.
Action Steps:
Live plants are one of the angels’ favorite tools for clearing away physical and emotional toxins.  Today, put a live potted plant right next to your bed so that tonight its energy can clear and transmute anything you may have absorbed.  Just as the plant transforms toxic carbon into breathable carbon, it will also transform fear energy, so you’ll sleep peacefully and wake up refreshed.  Be sure to take great care of the plant! Call upon the fairies for help with this.

Saturday, August 22, 2015


Have faith and hope, because there is something positive and new on the horizon that you can't yet see.
The seeds that you have planted are beginning to sprout results. You may not even be aware of these results, however, since they are in their infancy. Now it is more important than ever to stay positive, and to hold a clear vision of your desire and intention. Avoid sceptics or those with negative mind-sets.
Daily action - even if it only consists of baby steps - toward the fruition of your dream is essential. A phone call, a letter, or reading relevant material will keep the energy of your manifestation at a high level. Every day, positively affirm that you have already achieved or exceeded your dream. And most important, ask for angelic assistance every step of the way.

Friday, August 21, 2015


Your angels know that you've been disappointed in the past. These experiences may have eroded your faith in yourself, other people, or even God. However, the angels remind you if the importance of holding on to your faith.
By drawing this card, the angels emphasize the value of self-trust. They know that you, like everyone, have made mistakes in the past. However, these mistakes have not eroded your true nature. You still have not eroded your true nature. You still have omnipresent God within you, and God is infallible. The angels ask you to trust in God and to trust in them. They will help you trust yourself.

Thursday, August 20, 2015


CARD MEANING: Think about what you want, not what you don't want. Guard Your thoughts carefully, because they create your experiences.
Sometimes it seems that our thoughts choose us, but this is never the case. We always choose our thoughts-every moment. Our thoughts always have an effect, and there are no neutral thoughts. One-half second before you hold a thought, you decide to hold it. So, with practice, you learn to monitor and alter your thoughts. This is the equivalent of putting your hands on the steering wheel of life.
You may believe that your concentration abilities are impaired, yet the fallible mind of God is within your own mind. You can experience remarkable feats of concentration by affirming:
"I am now able to focus my mind at will. I hold only loving thoughts, and my angels act as my gatekeepers in establishing a steady stream of thoughts of love."

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Free Angel Card Reading

I have seen others post readings this way so I thought I would give it a try. I have chosen 3 cards from the decks below. Look at them and choose what number card calls to you. Once you choose post the number you choose and I will then close it out once I have a couple dozen commenters on this blog. I will then post what each card drawn was. So be sure to check back.

*note that facebook comments do NOT count ONLY comments on this blog site*

Many blessings may you find the answers you seek!
With Love and in the Light, Cassie

Here are the cards to choose from: 

Card #1

This card reassures you that you are part of an awesome and powerful team of benevolent beings. They surround, guide, and love you constantly. If you are in danger, they will intervene with warnings or lifesaving measures. If you are afraid, they will comfort you with the energy of Divine love. If you are confused, they will whisper guidance in your ear. By drawing this card, your angels and guides ask you to talk to them more frequently. Have mental conversations with them about everything, and you will soon see evidence of their existence. Soon, the angels will enlist you to help other people. If you ever feel doubtful about your ability to help others, ask the angels to help you release these fears. 

Card #2

You are a lightworker. God needs you to shine your Divine light and love - like an angel - upon the earth and all of its inhabitants.
Yes, you are a lightworker. As such, you have always had a burning desire to make the world a better place. It is a deep calling that is beyond time and space. You are often called into service during ordinary circumstances, such as when you're shopping for groceries and someone needs your help. Right now, your life's mission is expanding so that you can reach even more people. This will require you to make some life changes that you will learn about through your inner guidance.
You are deeply sensitive to others' emotions, and it is important for you to clear yourself regularly - especially after helping someone. You can call upon Archangel Michael, your other guardian angels, and me to clear you of toxins or cords that may have resulted from your helpful efforts. You are an Earth angel, and we are happy to assist you in all ways. Just ask!

Card #3


Shield Yourself

Protect yourself from harsh or fear-based energies by envisioning a cocoon of healing light surrounding you.
The angels brought this card to you because of your heightened sensitivity to energies.  This sensitivity means that you may inadvertently absorb other people’s energies, which may make you feel tired, unfocused, or upset.  Just as you wouldn’t walk outdoors in a rainstorm without an umbrella, it’s important to use an energy umbrella in the face of any emotional downpour.
If you feel negative energy – or people are arguing, competing, or using frightening words – it’s vital for you to shield yourself.  This means imagining that a bubble of protective light surrounds your entire body.  You can also ask Archangel Michael to guard you from lower energies, and you can even “borrow” his shield as a protective buffer.
Action Steps
Visualize yourself surrounded by one or more of the following colors (you can layer colors for multiple purposes, such as a white light next to you for general protection, followed by a second layer of green light for healing, and covered by a third layer of purple light for spiritual protection):
Blue: Increased communication and clarity
Green: Healing and protection of health
Pink: Lightheartedness and romance
Purple: Spiritual protection (shielding from psychic attack)
White: General protection
The light shields last for about 12 hours, less time in harsh circumstances, so re-invoke them



Heal Away Addictions

This card comes to you to validate what you already know: It’s time to let go of addictive behaviors, as they’re interfering with your health, happiness, and life purpose.  The angels ask you to be very honest with yourself, and admit that these addictions are wasting your time, robbing you of energy and confidence, and blocking the answers to your prayers.  Fortunately, the angels will support you through every step of healing away cravings and other addictive tendencies.
It begins with your making a clear decision to let the addiction (or addictions) go.  Weigh the pluses and minuses of the addictive behavior.  Once you’re emotionally ready to release it, take the following action steps:
Action Steps:
Go to a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed.  Then say, silently or aloud:
“Archangel Raphael, I call upon you now.”
Think of what you’d like to release (it could include destructive patterns, compulsive behaviors, toxic relationships, and unhealthful cravings).  Imagine these addictions (or a symbol of them) sitting on your lap or upper legs.  You might see or feel the addictions; and you may also sense how they’re attached to your stomach area with tangled cords, webs, and roots.
Breathe deeply while saying:
“Archangel Raphael, I’m now ready to release these former addictions to you and Heaven.  Please cut all of the roots, cords, and webs attached to these addictions; and lift them to the light for transmutation and healing.”
After Raphael carts away the addictions, he’ll fill you with his emerald green healing light to nurture, soothe, and fulfill you.  You’ll notice a drastic reduction in addictive cravings.  Repeat this process if needed until the addiction is completely cleared.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015




The Divine truth is that your parents eternally love you to the best of their ability.  The angels are helping you heal from any pain associated with your mother or father.
You drew this card because the answer to your question involves emotions connected to your mother or father.  For example, if you’re having difficulty receiving loving-kindness from others, the underlying issue could stem from unhealed emotions you have toward your mom.  That’s because receptivity is a feminine energy, represented by our mothers.  If you feel afraid to receive love or feel guilty about asking for your needs to be met, then call upon the angels to heal and help.
With your father, the primary spiritual response is about male energy and developing confidence in your abilities to go out into the world and make a positive difference.  If your self-confidence is wavering, ask the angels to help you mend your emotional connections with your dad.
This card is also a signal that your parents do love you, even if the way they showed it wasn’t fulfilling for you.  If your mother or father is in Heaven, then they send this card to you as a way of saying, “I love you”
Action Steps:
The angels will intervene in any painful emotion associated with your parents, if you’ll ask.  Go to a quiet and private place and say this request, either silently or aloud:
“Guardian angels of myself and of my mother and father, I call upon you now.  I ask for your healing blessings with my internal and external relationship with my parents.  I’m willing to release emotional toxins associated with my childhood, adolescence, and adulthood.  I ask the angels to help me trade any and all pain for peace right now.”

Monday, August 17, 2015



Manifestation Power

You’ve got the power! With this card, the angels remind you of your innate spiritual abilities.  Perhaps you’ve been complaining about something or have been feeling like a victim under the influence of someone else’s will.  This card is a reminder that you do have the power to change everything in your life by using your natural spiritual gifts of manifestation.
When you complain, you give away your power to others.  Complaints are also negative affirmations that attract more of the same undesirable effects.  The angels would like you to replace the old complaining habit with a healthier response of visualizing and intending your desired outcome.  It works!
Action Steps:
Think about a situation you would like to improve; and write, draw, or create a collage that describes the preferred scenario.  Look at this depiction of your desires daily, and don’t worry about “how” they'll manifest.  Anytime you catch yourself worrying about or doubting your manifestation abilities, say:  “Archangel Jophiel, the angel of beauty, please beautify my thoughts about my desires so that they’re completely based in love.”

Sunday, August 16, 2015


Are you pushing yourself too hard, beloved child of God? The angels remind us that rest is a natural cycle in every living thing. Think of the mighty oak tree that grows in spurts and then rests. It draws its nourishment from deep within the earth, and takes its time before growing upward again. Like the oak tree, it's important for you to nourish yourself with spiritual and emotional "food."
While you are resting, take time to reflect on your heart's true feelings and desires. Your angels speak to you through your heart, and when you listen to and honor your feelings, you walk hand-in hand with God and the angels. You will know that it is true Divine guidance, and not just your imagination or wishful thinking, if it speaks of your desire to a make a difference in the world.