Saturday, February 28, 2015

2-28-15 evening card


Ear Chakras

Notice messages that appear as sounds, music, and words, from both external sources and within your mind.  These messages are real answers to your prayers.
You received this card because the angels have been trying to get your attention.  They’ve heard your prayers and are giving you information and instructions so that you can take appropriate action.  You are hearing the angels’ messages in various ways: repetitive songs, an overheard conversation, a stranger’s out-of-the-blue reassurances, or words that you hear in your mind.  The angels’ messages are always loving, positive, trustworthy, and constructive.
Action Steps:
In a quiet place where you’ll be undisturbed, say the following to Archangel Michael:
“I now ask you to vacuum and clear any lower energies in my physical ears or ear chakras.  I am willing to release anything painful that I’ve ever heard, in exchange for clarity in my ability to hear the voice of love and the angels.”
This card was drawn from the Angel Therapy Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue.


To make your decision, ask yourself, Which way brings me closer to my Divine purpose? Which way takes me away from it?
Should I go this way or that way? you wonder. One day, you're sure of your decision. The next day, you question it again. This indecision will be healed by focusing on your Divine life purpose. Even if you aren't sure of your purpose's exact nature, you do know that it involves bringing peace to yourself and others. Based on this foundation, then, which decision brings you the most peace?
If you're still unsure, then ask the Universe and the angels to help you further. You can ask us, 'Which decision will help the most people?' This is a wonderful basis upon which to make your choice. Sometimes the easiest route is the one that takes you further away from your Divine purpose. So, your indecision may come from a fear of making waves, or uncertainty about your future. In such cases, gradual change is warranted. Slowly introduce your new direction into your daily life, and ease out of your old direction slowly. In that way, you won't frighten yourself, you will be more open to hearing our guidance, and you will feel our love.

Friday, February 27, 2015

2-27-15 evening card


Past-Life Issues

This situation has a basis in one of your previous lifetimes.  Ask your angels to help you remember, release, learn, and heal from your past experiences.
You drew this card because experiences and emotions from one of your previous lifetimes are influencing the situation you’re inquiring about.  You have well-earned wisdom from  that past life; allow it to guide you in your present situation by trusting your gut feelings and hunches.  Those intuitive impulses result from the knowledge you’ve gained in an earlier life – trust it!
People from your past life are making themselves known to you in this lifetime.  They include a soul mate and family members, all with whom you share karmic ties.  In the past, these relationships may have been painful, but now is your opportunity to balance that karma and break the reincarnation cycle if you choose.
Action Steps:
Archangel Raziel is the angel who helps you understand, assimilate, and heal your past-life memories.  Go to a quiet place and say (aloud or silently):
“Archangel Raziel, I call upon you now.  Please help me understand [describe your current question or situation] by guiding and healing me through my past experiences and relationships.  I ask that you help me balance all karma with everyone involved in this situation, in all directions of time.  Raziel, please help me uncover, heal, and release any old buried pain… now and forever.  Thank you.”
Your body may shudder as you say this, indicating that you’re successfully releasing old, pent-up pain.  If you have memory snippets of past lifetimes, please write them down for further exploration with a past-life regression therapist or by listening to a guided-meditation CD.
This card was drawn from the Angel Therapy Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue.


Caution is warranted. Look deeper into this situation before proceeding further.
You have asked for Heaven's guidance, and it is given. This situation isn't right for you. Some vital information had been concealed, so you will need to dig deeper and ask more questions of those involved. Trust your gut feelings, since that is how I communicate with you.
Please don't worry that this situation is the only opportunity available to you. It isn't! There is something better waiting for you, but first you will have to free yourself. Remember that 'nature abhors a vacuum.' So, you must create a vacuum, and then the new situation will reveal itself. Clearly, it takes courage and faith to leave a situation that you had a vested interest in. You may feel disappointed and betrayed. That is why you must call upon me and your other angels to help you stay strong and true to yourself. You deserve situations that are signed with love, and you don't have to settle for anything less.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

2-26-15 evening card


Crown Chakra

Pay attention to your ideas, as they are messages of true Divine guidance sent in answer to your prayers.
You drew this card because the angels are asking you to trust and follow the ideas you’ve recently received, as they are the answers you’ve been seeking for your current situation.  You already know the truth and the best course of action to take.  Trust this knowingness, and take appropriate action.  When you honor your ideas, the Universe reciprocates by sending you additional support while you make healthy life changes.
This card is also a message to clear the crown energy center (or chakra), which governs your ability to tap into the Universe’s collective wisdom.  Your crown chakra can become blocked if you dismiss your inner thoughts as wishful thinking or common knowledge.  Remember that all ingenious ideas begin as daydreams that turn into wonderful inventions.
Action Steps:
Archangel Uriel (whose name means “He who is Divine light”) is the angel of Divine wisdom and knowledge.  Sit quietly and say:
“Archangel Uriel, I call upon you now to clear and balance my crown chakra.  I ask for your assistance in boosting my belief and faith in the ideas that come to me.  Help me in responsibly following through with my Divinely guided ideas.“
This card was drawn from the Angel Therapy Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue.


Take action. You're in touch with your truth in this situation, and you need to trust your gut and lovingly assert yourself.
Dive right in! There's no need for more research or time. You can trust your feelings on this one. I will guide you through the actions that are necessary, considering the circumstances. Your main concern is to avoid procrastination at all costs. Break the situation down into small steps so that you don't become overwhelmed. Then, take those steps in regular intervals.
You already know what to do about this situation, and you have made up your mind to take action. I am here to validate that your decision is on the path of Light. Although there might be some temporary hard work or emotional turmoil, this will soon be replaced by a lightness of spirit akin to gently floating on a summer breeze.
Sometimes you may feel too emotional or tired to take action. That is because you're unsure of the 'correctness' of your decisions. Usually, unfounded guilt is the culprit that is draining your energy and happiness. This is when it's very important to call upon the angels to shore up your faith. Notice how the doors open smoothly with each step you take. That is one more sign that you're taking the best course of action.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

2-25-15 evening card


Sacral Chakra

You are highly sensitive to chemicals, additives, processed foods, and energies right now.  Respect your sensitivities by avoiding harsh items, situations, and relationships.
The angels sent you this card because they want you to understand your body’s profound sensitivity.  As a highly sensitive individual, you may at times experience confusion or numbness, which is a way of dealing with overwhelming physical sensations.  You may even try to self-medicate with chemicals, foods, or other addictive substances in order to shield yourself from harsh energies.  This card conveys a strong message, asking you to deal with your sensitivities in healthier ways.  The angels want to help you detoxify yourself from chemicals and processed foods.  They’re also leading you away from disagreeable situations and relationships, so allow these changes to occur.  The sacral chakra is the second energy center in the body, located between the tailbone and belly button.  Visualize it glowing a bright and clear shade of orange to keep this chakra balanced.
Action Steps:
Recline in a quiet location and say either silently or aloud:
“Archangels Raphael and Michael, please come to me.  I ask that you detoxify my mental, energetic, emotional, and physical body right now.”
Inhale and exhale deeply as the archangels work to clear you (you may notice shuddering or tingling sensations during this process, which is a positive sign of progress).  When your body calms down, say:
“Thank you Archangels, for this assistance.  I ask that you help me stay grounded and shielded with Divine love and light.”
This prayer will reduce cravings for chemicals because the purpose that they’ve formerly served for you will now be handled metaphysically.
This card was drawn from the Angel Therapy Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue.


What do you desire right now? Visualize it, and it will come about. Negativity will block your process.
You have been asking the Universe and the angels, 'What is next for me?' Yet, we have been waiting for you to make that decision for yourself! That is why you have felt stuck lately. This impasse occurs because you are afraid of making a 'wrong' decision. We can help you to decide, but ultimately, the next chapter of your life is up to you. This is a period of your life that is unscripted.
Your desires are like a painting that you create upon the canvas of your life. Like an artist, you must decide what the theme, background, and foreground will be within your picture. Take some time out to meditate, pray upon, and contemplate this important decision. Be creative, and maintain standards for yourself. But remember: If you don't make a decision, that's the same thing as deciding that everything shall remain the same.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

2-24-15 evening card



Card Meaning:  The energy of crystals supports you and helps with your present situation.
This card presents a dual meaning with respect to the term crystal.  One or both may apply to you, which you’ll know by your inner reaction while reading these words.
First, this card represents the crystals of the mineral kingdom.  These powerful beings emit, transmute, and magnify energies.  For example, clear quartz can increase your psychic clarity, black obsidian stone is an effective protector, pink rose quartz opens your heart to love, and purple amethyst raises your spiritual vibration.  This card is asking you to work with crystal energy as you feel guided to: by yourself, with the help of a crystal practitioner, or by conducting crystal healings for others.
The second meaning relates to people who are considered “crystalline” themselves – that is, they are quiet and sensitive transmitters of healing energy.  Most Crystals are young children, so this card could indicate that you are parenting or working with a Crystal child.  You may also have crystal characteristics yourself – particularly, if you are gentle, soft-spoken, and a nature lover.
Action Steps:
Go to a store that sells crystals, and center yourself with prayer.  Quietly walk around all of the precious stones, noticing which ones attract you visually and through your feeling senses.  Run your hand above each crystal and observe whether its energy affects you.   If a particular crystal captivates your attention, mentally ask it to give you a message and to send you pure healing energy.
This card was drawn from the Angel Therapy Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue.


It's a good time to give birth to new ideas and situations in your life. I am watching over you, guiding you, and protecting you during these changes.
You are ripe with new possibilities, and you feel an urgency to push into new territory. Beloved one, your new and exciting life changes are inevitable. There is no turning back! Instead of playing it safe, you decided to move forward. That is why I am with you right now, giving you the extra courage and comfort that you need.
However, there is no need to rush. This is a time of incubation, where nature can allow everything to grow in its innate rhythm. Be assured that your life change will hatch at just the right moment! In the meantime, know that the Universe and the angels are watching over you. You are safe and very loved. Congratulations on the birth of this new period of your life!

Monday, February 23, 2015

2-23-15 evening card


Archangel Raphael

Card Meaning: The healing angel is with you, supporting your healing work.
Your prayers for healing (for yourself or others) have been heard and answered by Archangel Raphael, the supreme healer within the angelic realm. Raphael (whose name means “God heals”) gives you guidance and ideas about your health, so be sure to follow any intuitive impulses to exercise, eat healthfully, quit drinking or smoking, and so forth. Raphael can help you reduce or eliminate unhealthful cravings if you’ll ask. He’ll also increase your motivation to exercise.
If you feel called to help with others’ health (loved ones, clients, and/or animals), then ask Raphael to guide your actions and words. Raphael will send God’s healing energy through you so that you’re a conduit for Divine light and love. Raphael is also happy to direct you to schooling for healing work, at your request.
Action Steps:
Archangel Raphael’s healing energy is emerald green in color. Visualize this emerald green light surrounding anyone in need of healing support. Even if you can’t clearly see this green light, know that you’ve successfully invoked its healing power.
This card was drawn from the Archangel Raphael Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue.


Yoga and exercise are essential to your well-being, peace of mind, and spiritual growth right now.
You have received strong guidance to engage in yoga and other forms of exercise, and this card serves as additional validation. Physical movement is essential to realizing your dreams, desires, and intentions. It gives you the energy and vitality that will help you begin and complete your projects. It opens you up to new, creative ideas. And yoga cleanses and enlarges your chakra centers so that you can hear our angelic guidance loud and clear. Yoga also allows a noisy mind to become quiet so that it can meditate and hear the voice of Heaven.
Although you may feel intimidated by yoga or exercise, I will help you smooth the way. If you ask me, I will help you tailor an exercise program to fit your schedule, interests, and fitness level. You will receive this guidance in the form of repetitive thoughts and feelings, and also through information about yoga or exercise that comes to you from 'out of the blue'. I know that you're a busy person, but I promise you that the increased level of energy you'll feel after exercising will give you the equivalent of more hours in a day.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

2-22-15 evening card


Listen to Your Intuitive Feelings

Your body is receiving accurate messages from the Divine.
Your angels want you to know that you’re always receiving Divine messages, even when you’re not noticing them.  Most of these messages come through your physical and emotional senses, as your body is extremely sensitive to subtle energies.  Sometimes you may not understand your feelings, yet they always have accurate, underlying wisdom.
You’ve received this card because you’ve asked a question that your body has already answered through your emotional and physical feelings.  You’re urged to trust your feelings, and act upon them without delay.  Ask the angels to protect and guide you, which they do through your intuitive sensations.
As you give psychic readings or healings to others, know that it’s impossible to be blocked from receiving angelic guidance.  You’re always feeling and thinking, and those are two primary ways in which the angels give you messages for your clients.  Tell your clients what you’re feeling and thinking during your sessions, as these messages are meant to be shared.
Action Steps:
Notice any tension in your body, which is a signal that your muscles are reacting to the energies of your (or other people’s) thoughts and emotions.  Close your eyes and imagine having a conversation with a tense muscle group in your body.  Ask the muscles, “Why are you tense?”  Listen for the answer, which will come to you as a thought, feeling, or even words or visions.  Your body will tell you how it’s reacting to your job, relationships, friends, and other life areas.  Trust your body’s truthful wisdom.


“It is safe for you to be powerful. You know how to be powerful in a loving way that benefits others as well as yourself”
You have been afraid of your own power. You have worried that others would disapprove of you or leave you if you allowed your true power to shine. You have also been concerned that you might abuse your power and that your masculine energy would become unbalanced. I am here tp help you reveal your power to yourself and others in a way that enhances your relationships, self-esteem and life purpose.
Your power comes from love, from God. You who are made in the image and likeness of your Creator have unlimited power within you right now. You aren’t capable of abusing your power because your heart chakra has opened like a flower in bloom. Think of a person whom you admire, who is both powerful and balanced in their masculine and feminine energies. Such power is beautiful. It also amplifies your spiritual healing and psychic gifts. You are a strong and powerful lightworker, and God needs you to accept and reveal your power.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

2-21-15 evening card


Third-Eye Chakra

It is safe for you to see the energy of love in all of its forms, such as angels, auras, and visions.
This card comes to you in response to your questions about the future.  You have visions about yourself, and you’re wondering whether they’re real or mere imagination.  Well, the angels assure you that you are having accurate insights, and they wish to encourage your visual spiritual gifts.
You have natural clairvoyant tendencies, governed by the energy center located between your two physical eyes, which is known as the third-eye chakra.  The angels send clairvoyant messages that you perceive in your mind’s eye as shapes, colors, mental movies, dreams, and so forth.  Or you may receive their messages via your physical sight such as in recurring number sequences (111, 444, and so on); lights and moving objects; or through signs and symbols, including feathers, rainbows, clouds, and coins.
The angels wish to help you fully awaken your third eye and understand your psychic visions.  They’re guiding you to notice and trust all that you see with your inner and outer vision.
Action Steps:
Sit quietly and say:
“Archangel Raphael and the Angels of Clairvoyance, I call upon you now to surround my head with your healing energy.   Please clear my third eye of any old fear energies, entities, or other blocks or intrusions.”
Inhale and exhale deeply while the angels perform their “psychic surgery” to adjust your spiritual sight.  Keep a journal of your visions, and ask your angels for help in interpreting them.


No, conditions aren't favorable right now. Wait, or look into other options; and ask the angels to help, guide, and comfort you.
There is a reason why you asked for Heaven's opinion about this situation. In your heart, you knew that something was amiss. I am here to help you trust this wisdom within your heart. Although it may seem romantic to jump in without looking, this situation warrants otherwise. Since I am one of your guardian angels, your happiness is my central mission. This situation, as it currently stands, won't bring you the joy that you seek.
There are options available to you. One is to wait. This will certainly improve your outlook, either because you will learn more information, or because something better will come along. The second option is to go ahead with the current situation. You certainly have the free will to do so. Be assured that I will stay with you whether you heed my caution or not. If you fall into a situation where you need my rescue, I will be there with my unconditional love! Each time that you listen to me - and also each time that you ignore me - you grow and learn.

Friday, February 20, 2015

2-20-15 evening card

Vacuum Away Fear
“Call upon Archangels Michael and Raphael to lift fear-based energy from you, your surroundings, this situation, and everyone involved.”
You chose this card because you, or someone close to you, have absorbed some energies of fear.  They could have been self-generated from your own foreboding or may have come from being with fearful people.   Whenever you feel tired or have been subjected to substance abuse (such as spending time in a pub or bar), take the time to cleanse away residual energies.  You can conduct this process anytime or anywhere, even when other people are nearby.  You can also conduct this “vacuuming”  for other people – in person or remotely (just be sure to ask their verbal or psychic permission first).
Action Steps  To Vacuum yourself or another, say: “Archangel Michael and Raphael, I call upon you and your healing Band of Mercy Angels to come now with your spiritual vacuum cleaner.  Please deposit the vacuum hose through the crown chakra and suction away toxic, fear-based, or entity energy.” See and feel the vacuum hose completely cleaning the entire inside of the body (including organs, muscles, and bones) from head to toe.  Shudders and other physical reactions are a normal and positive sign that the process is working.  Continue until the body feels quiet, and then say: “Thank you, Michael and Raphael, for this healing.  Please now fill the body with your diamond-bright white light to heal and protect.”


New romance is imminent - either with a newcomer, or through reignited passion in your existing relationship. Be open to giving and receiving love.
You have been hungering for more romance and passion, and your prayer is answered. I am a Romance Angel, and I am here to help you. New love is on its way to you, and you can open the door to this romance by opening your heart. The more that you welcome new love with open arms, the more romance will come your way. This also means that you must express yourself romantically to your partner. Be candid about your feelings and intentions. Be playful (like we angels are!). And most of all, be openly loving with your partner as a way of encouraging the flow of romance return to you.
I will give you guidance along the way, and it may involve actions that seem unrelated to romantic love. Yet, you will know it is me who encourages you to join a gym, enroll in an evening class, or meet a new friend, for example. My trademark characteristic is that I create a very strong feeling in your heart, and then I surround it with warmth, like I'm giving you a big hug. The more that you follow my guidance, the faster the romance will be delivered to you.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

2-19-15 evening card



Card Meaning:  You have a strong bond with the fairies, and your life purpose involves helping Mother Nature.
You drew this card because the fairies wanted to let you know that they’re with you as spirit guides, helping you meet your physical needs and fulfill your life’s purpose.  The fairies urge you to spend time outdoors and help with their mission of cleaning the soil, water, and air.  They also protect and guide the animals.  If you’d like a Divine assignment helping animals or Mother Nature, just ask the fairies!
This card also indicates that you’re interested in manifesting money or some other material support.  The magical fairies are very glad to assist in your endeavor, provided that you return the favor by doing something good for the environment, such as recycling bottles and cans or switching to eco-friendly cleaning supplies.
Action Steps
Go to an area outdoors where trees and plants grow wild without pruning or pesticides.  This is the fairies’ preferred location.  In all sincerity, say to the fairies (either out loud or silently):
“I would like to feel and see your presence.  Can you please help me get to know you better?”
You’ll know you’ve connected with the fairies when you notice ideas or impulses that involve improving the environment or helping animals.  Often the fairies begin their introduction to a new person by requesting that you remove garbage from a nearby pasture or nature trail.  Once you fulfill the fairies request, they’ll gladly help you with your endeavor in return!
This card was drawn from the Angel Therapy Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue.


When you take excellent care of yourself, everybody benefits. Give yourself a relaxing treat today, such as a massage, sea salt bath, or pedicure.
You are a giver, and the Universe loves you for that. Now it is time to give to yourself. I am helping you to spiritually open your body through the process of relaxation. So, you see that relaxing has its own productive side to it!
The more that you allow me and the other angels to give to you, the more you will be able to give to others. Your soul has called out to us, begging for some rest and relaxation. You have been working ceaselessly, and you have also been juggling many other people's interests. Now, it is time for your reward. This is a directive from the Universe: Take care of yourself, and don't allow yourself to be swayed from this important mission. Take steps right now to create time for relaxation. You will feel happier and have more peace of mind as a result, which will benefit everyone in your life!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

2-18-15 evening card


Cut Your Cords

Card Meaning:  Ask Archangel Michael to clear any old attachments to fear that stem form past relationships, freeing you from destructive patterns.
You drew this card because negativity connected to a past relationship is interfering with the situation you’ve inquired about.  Fortunately, this toxic energy can be easily vanquished with the help of Archangel Michael, a powerful angel who will release you from the effects of fear.
Anytime you or your partner experience fear within your relationship, a cord (similar to a leash made out of hollow tubing) is attached to both of you.  You may have cords (most people do) connecting you to your parents (living or deceased), siblings, lovers, those whom you’ve helped, such as students or clients, and anyone with whom you’ve shared a significant relationship.  Cords are nothing to be afraid or ashamed of.  They just need to be cut, as they can drain your energy and be the culprit behind physical pain.
Action Steps:
Think of a question or situation that you would like help with.  Then say aloud or silently:
“Archangel Michael, I call upon you now.  Please cut the cords of fear that have been blocking or draining me in the past.  I am now willing to trade all pain for peace.”
If you think of a specific person during this process, ask Michael to help you release the fear from that relationship.  You’ll feel your body shudder as cords are cut one by one.  Don’t worry; you can’t sever cords of love.  Repeat this process anytime you feel drained or blocked, as cords can grow back if fear returns to the relationship.
This card was drawn from the Angel Therapy Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue.


Archangel Raphael  
“I am helping you heal physical challenges in yourself and others. You are a healer like me”

I am with you because I am the Archangel of Healing. I am helping you heal your own body, as well as the physical bodies of others. I surround physical ailments with my healing energy of emerald-green light, and this energy is absorbed where it is needed.
I speak to healers through their thoughts and feelings. I help you to discern, in this way, if your life’s purpose is to be a healer. I can help you to know which areas of healing to study,and then assist with all aspects of your healing career. Call upon me whenever you need such help, and know that I will be with you in an instant

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

2-17-15 evening card


If You Get Nervous, Focus On Service

Put your entire intention on answering the question “How can I make the world a better place?” and the Law of Attraction will automatically take care of your needs.
You drew this card because you’ve been called into spiritual service, either as a healer or a teacher.  The thought of conducting public spiritual work may trigger nervousness.  Don’t worry though – this anxiety has no bearing on your readiness for service.  It’s simply the ego wrestling to gain control through fear.  The antidote is to focus on your higher self’s mission, which is loving service to the Divine.
Each client or audience member is one with you and the Creator.  You share one love and one spirit.  Your spiritual work is about connecting to that one great force in the Universe.  So while the ego wants to concentrate on “I” worries – such as “What if I can’t do this?” or “What if they don’t like me?” – the higher self is completely focused on lovingly giving service.
Your higher self is 100 percent psychic and is tapped into the Divine healing energy.  To operate out of your higher self, focus on blessing – instead of impressing – others.  Begin each session or seminar by opening your heart to loving everyone involved, and ask the question “How may I serve?” to put your higher self in charge.
Action Steps:
Sitting quietly, visualize yourself conducting a healing session, giving a psychic reading or seminar, writing a book, or doing some other spiritually based intention.
Imagine the people involved (such as your clients or audience members) smiling receptively at the service you’re providing.  Feel your heart opening to these people, who are brimming with gratitude that you’re giving so joyously.  See all of your material needs easily provided for, knowing that as you focus on giving, the Universe automatically gives back to you.


You are a lightworker. God needs you to shine your Divine light and love - like an angel - upon the earth and all of its inhabitants.
Yes, you are a lightworker. As such, you have always had a burning desire to make the world a better place. It is a deep calling that is beyond time and space. You are often called into service during ordinary circumstances, such as when you're shopping for groceries and someone needs your help. Right now, your life's mission is expanding so that you can reach even more people. This will require you to make some life changes that you will learn about through your inner guidance.
You are deeply sensitive to others' emotions, and it is important for you to clear yourself regularly - especially after helping someone. You can call upon Archangel Michael, your other guardian angels, and me to clear you of toxins or cords that may have resulted from your helpful efforts. You are an Earth angel, and we are happy to assist you in all ways. Just ask!