Tuesday, February 28, 2017


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It's a good time to give birth to new ideas and situations in your life. I am watching over you, guiding you, and protecting you during these changes.
You are ripe with new possibilities, and you feel an urgency to push into new territory. Beloved one, your new and exciting life changes are inevitable. There is no turning back! Instead of playing it safe, you decided to move forward. That is why I am with you right now, giving you the extra courage and comfort that you need.
However, there is no need to rush. This is a time of incubation, where nature can allow everything to grow in its innate rhythm. Be assured that your life change will hatch at just the right moment! In the meantime, know that the Universe and the angels are watching over you. You are safe and very loved. Congratulations on the birth of this new period of your life!

Monday, February 27, 2017


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Open your heart to a new infusion of Divine Love, through a partner in your life. The angels are preparing you to be aware of new people entering your life, as a new mate may be unlike your previous partners. Be open to changes in your current relationships, and don’t cling tightly to ideas of how you think relationships should be. This is a time of wondrous changes in your love life, and you are asked to trust God and your guardian angels to work things out for your highest good. Changes in your love life will only be painful if you are rigid in your thoughts or behaviors. If you flow with the current love, you’ll find that old parts of your love life wash away. They are rapidly replaced by new aspects that will delight you. Current relationships may end, or they may act as a transition into a new phase of passion and renewed love. Or a new partner may enter your life, inspiring great happiness for you both.

Sunday, February 26, 2017


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As you honor and follow the guidance of your heart, prosperity is coming to you now.
You are fully supported by the Universe, and we have heard your prayers for financial support. Be assured that we see money as a symbol of the abundance. The Earthly negativity surrounding money comes from human minds alone. In Heaven, we see money as the energy of exchange. We know that you need material essentials. Like any loving parent, I wants you to be comfortable, safe, and happy. That is one of the reasons why I am your guardian angel.
Your finances have been blocked in the past because of guilt and other negative beliefs and emotions. I have helped you heal and release much of your negative association with money. Please know that I am here to help you so that you can help more people. The more that you allow me to give you, the more you will be able to give others. In the near future, you will be able to manifest all of your needs. But in the meantime, allow me to help you through my Heavenly contributions.

Saturday, February 25, 2017


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The angels want you to know that you have extra blessings around you right now. Perhaps you have recently experienced some challenges, or maybe you are currently asking for extra help. Either way, the angels surround you now with more Divine love than ever. Additional angels are with you, giving you and added cushion of love and light. Sometimes you may feel as if God and the angels have abandoned you. This card seeks to remind you that they are not gone and that they cannot leave you ever. It is only our fear that makes us blind and mute to the presence of our angels. Yet your angels can lift away your fears if you will ask and then let them. You are truly blessed and very, very loved by God and the angels.

Friday, February 24, 2017


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Twin Flame

Card Meaning:  The answer to your question involves a spiritually based romantic relationship
You drew this card because your twin flame is intricately involved with the answer to your question.  A twin flame is a romantic partner who originated from your spiritual soul group – that is, he or she is “the one” in terms of soul-mate relationships.
Often, twin flames incarnate together during their last lifetime on Earth – after the reincarnation cycle has been completed and all karma has been balanced.  Until that lifetime, however, twin flames usually don’t incarnate simultaneously but instead volunteer to function as one another’s spirit guides.  So your twin flame could be guiding you from the other side, helping you with every area of your life, including romance with a soul mate.

Action Steps:
Write a letter to your twin flame’s guardian angels.  Begin the letter with “Dear Guardian Angels of my Twin Flame,” and then express all of your feelings, thoughts, and questions about your love life.  End the letter by asking these angels to prepare you to meet your twin flame or soul mate and to also arrange this visit.  You’ll recognize your twin flame or soul mate immediately, and there won’t be any doubt in your heart or mind when you’re face-to-face with him or her.

Thursday, February 23, 2017


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You are being Divinely guided right now. The gut feelings you have, the knowingness, the visions, or the inner voice are all trying to tell you something, and it is very important that you trust and follow the guidance.
If you drew more than one card, pay close attention to the cards that are on either side of the "Divine guidance" card - they contain important instructions for you. These nearby cards feature facets of the message that the angels seek to impress upon you.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017


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Workshops & Seminars

Card Meaning:  Attending and giving speeches is part of your spiritual path and purpose.  Be open to teaching and learning.
The angels have been sending you intuitive messages about attending and giving workshops, seminars, and speeches.  They’ve now sent this oracle card to you so you’ll know that you really are hearing your angels’ messages about this topic.
If you’ve been dreaming about giving a workshop or a speech, the angels will guide you through the process.  Give any worries, thoughts, concerns, or questions to them; and then listen to their replies, which will come to you as ideas and feelings.  The angels will help lead you to the right venue, topic, and audience members.  All you need to do is follow their guidance.
You’re also guided to attend workshops to further your spiritual path and education.  Enroll in classes that you feel drawn to, and ask Archangel Raphael to support everything in this endeavor – including intuition fees, transportation, lodging, time off from work, babysitting arrangements, and so forth.
The way is clear for you to give and receive through the workshop process.  Enjoy!
Action Steps:
Visualize yourself conducting a workshop for a group of appreciative individuals who are smiling receptively at you.  Feel yourself confidently receiving Divine information, which you impart to your audience members.  Continue with this visualization by seeing and feeling additional positive details.  When you feel complete, say:
“Thank you Universe, for my wonderful experiences giving workshops for people who receive blessings from the teachings that come through me.”

This card was drawn from the Angel Therapy Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017


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Time-out! You've been so busy taking care of everyone else's needs, but now it's time to stop and take care of yourself.
Dear one, you've been working very hard! You're very tired now, yet you keep pushing yourself to work more, more, more! I am here to firmly and lovingly take your hand, and tell you to 'Stop!' Cease working for a moment and take a respite. You have certainly earned it, and you will be more efficient and productive after taking this rest.
You give so much to others that at times like this you become unbalanced. Your inner child yearns for nurturing, and no one is going to give you that loving care but yourself and the angels. So, give yourself permission to take a much-needed time-out. Take a nap, or go play for a while. Please don't delay this guidance. We assure you that your responsibilities will all be met, and you will gather new energy and ideas during your time-out. We will also bring you additional Earthly help, and assist you in delegating work.

Monday, February 20, 2017


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You are a lightworker. God needs you to shine your Divine light and love - like an angel - upon the earth and all of its inhabitants.
Yes, you are a lightworker. As such, you have always had a burning desire to make the world a better place. It is a deep calling that is beyond time and space. You are often called into service during ordinary circumstances, such as when you're shopping for groceries and someone needs your help. Right now, your life's mission is expanding so that you can reach even more people. This will require you to make some life changes that you will learn about through your inner guidance.
You are deeply sensitive to others' emotions, and it is important for you to clear yourself regularly - especially after helping someone. You can call upon Archangel Michael, your other guardian angels, and me to clear you of toxins or cords that may have resulted from your helpful efforts. You are an Earth angel, and we are happy to assist you in all ways. Just ask!

Sunday, February 19, 2017


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CARD MEANING: Think about what you want, not what you don't want. Guard Your thoughts carefully, because they create your experiences.
Sometimes it seems that our thoughts choose us, but this is never the case. We always choose our thoughts-every moment. Our thoughts always have an effect, and there are no neutral thoughts. One-half second before you hold a thought, you decide to hold it. So, with practice, you learn to monitor and alter your thoughts. This is the equivalent of putting your hands on the steering wheel of life.
You may believe that your concentration abilities are impaired, yet the fallible mind of God is within your own mind. You can experience remarkable feats of concentration by affirming:
"I am now able to focus my mind at will. I hold only loving thoughts, and my angels act as my gatekeepers in establishing a steady stream of thoughts of love."

Saturday, February 18, 2017


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Are you pushing yourself too hard, beloved child of God? The angels remind us that rest is a natural cycle in every living thing. Think of the mighty oak tree that grows in spurts and then rests. It draws its nourishment from deep within the earth, and takes its time before growing upward again. Like the oak tree, it's important for you to nourish yourself with spiritual and emotional "food."
While you are resting, take time to reflect on your heart's true feelings and desires. Your angels speak to you through your heart, and when you listen to and honor your feelings, you walk hand-in hand with God and the angels. You will know that it is true Divine guidance, and not just your imagination or wishful thinking, if it speaks of your desire to a make a difference in the world.

Friday, February 17, 2017


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Card Meaning:  The energy of crystals supports you and helps with your present situation.
This card presents a dual meaning with respect to the term crystal.  One or both may apply to you, which you’ll know by your inner reaction while reading these words.
First, this card represents the crystals of the mineral kingdom.  These powerful beings emit, transmute, and magnify energies.  For example, clear quartz can increase your psychic clarity, black obsidian stone is an effective protector, pink rose quartz opens your heart to love, and purple amethyst raises your spiritual vibration.  This card is asking you to work with crystal energy as you feel guided to: by yourself, with the help of a crystal practitioner, or by conducting crystal healings for others.
The second meaning relates to people who are considered “crystalline” themselves – that is, they are quiet and sensitive transmitters of healing energy.  Most Crystals are young children, so this card could indicate that you are parenting or working with a Crystal child.  You may also have crystal characteristics yourself – particularly, if you are gentle, soft-spoken, and a nature lover.
Action Steps:
Go to a store that sells crystals, and center yourself with prayer.  Quietly walk around all of the precious stones, noticing which ones attract you visually and through your feeling senses.  Run your hand above each crystal and observe whether its energy affects you.   If a particular crystal captivates your attention, mentally ask it to give you a message and to send you pure healing energy.
This card was drawn from the Angel Therapy Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue.

Thursday, February 16, 2017


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To make your decision, ask yourself, Which way brings me closer to my Divine purpose? Which way takes me away from it?
Should I go this way or that way? you wonder. One day, you're sure of your decision. The next day, you question it again. This indecision will be healed by focusing on your Divine life purpose. Even if you aren't sure of your purpose's exact nature, you do know that it involves bringing peace to yourself and others. Based on this foundation, then, which decision brings you the most peace?
If you're still unsure, then ask the Universe and the angels to help you further. You can ask us, 'Which decision will help the most people?' This is a wonderful basis upon which to make your choice. Sometimes the easiest route is the one that takes you further away from your Divine purpose. So, your indecision may come from a fear of making waves, or uncertainty about your future. In such cases, gradual change is warranted. Slowly introduce your new direction into your daily life, and ease out of your old direction slowly. In that way, you won't frighten yourself, you will be more open to hearing our guidance, and you will feel our love.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017


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You are receiving important messages during your dreams. Sometimes you may wake up with the feeling that you have traveled or received instruction during your sleep. You wonder.'why can't I remember my dreams?'. The messages and experiences of your dreams are never truly lost or forgotten. They are, instead, incorporated into your unconscious so that your higher self's wisdom and love govern your actions.
You can more easily remember your dreams by writing whatever you recall immediately upon awakening. Just write any little bit you can remember, and the rest of the dream will unravel in your memory. Review your dream journal often, and look for patterns and themes. These recurrent dream issues signify messages that your higher self and the angels are trying to tell you.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017


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This card signals that the angels see your need to play, have fun, and honor  your inner child. Perhaps you will play with your own children or grandchildren. Or, you might enjoy having fun with another adult or doing work that involves helping children.

Take some time to ask your inner child. "How do you feel?" and "What would you like to do? Plan an afternoon where you take you inner child on an outing, doing, things that allow your playful side to emerge. Swing and slide at the park. Take an afternoon nap. Draw on the sidewalk with chalk. Or build a sandcastle.

Monday, February 13, 2017


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Caution is warranted. Look deeper into this situation before proceeding further.
You have asked for Heaven's guidance, and it is given. This situation isn't right for you. Some vital information had been concealed, so you will need to dig deeper and ask more questions of those involved. Trust your gut feelings, since that is how I communicate with you.
Please don't worry that this situation is the only opportunity available to you. It isn't! There is something better waiting for you, but first you will have to free yourself. Remember that 'nature abhors a vacuum.' So, you must create a vacuum, and then the new situation will reveal itself. Clearly, it takes courage and faith to leave a situation that you had a vested interest in. You may feel disappointed and betrayed. That is why you must call upon me and your other angels to help you stay strong and true to yourself. You deserve situations that are signed with love, and you don't have to settle for anything less.

Sunday, February 12, 2017


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This card signifies that your angels have heard your appeals for romance. They acknowledge your heart's yearnings for love. They have received and answered your requests.
Now you will work in concert with the angels to manifest the romance you are seeking. The angels will guide you in specific ways to ensure that they grant your wish. For instance, you may get a strong urge to drive to a certain place, and you might meet a wonderful partner when you arrive at that destination. The angels guidance may ask you to engage in self-improvement activities such as exercise classes, nutritional practices, or self-help seminars. Follow this guidance, and you will discover the romance you are seeking.

Saturday, February 11, 2017


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You have a gift for working with young people, and your Divine purpose involves helping, teaching, or parenting children.
Children respond to your open hearted nature. You are also charmed by their straightforward honesty, laughter, and innocence. In many ways, they engage and heal your own inner child. You seek to give these children that which you desired when you were young. You also feel an inner calling to improve the lives of children, and you may wonder about the best way to proceed.
I am with you as a guardian angel who delights in bringing you new opportunities to help children. All you need to do is notice the young people whom I bring into your orbit. Be your delightful self with these children, and the rest will take care of itself. As soon as you're ready for an increased role, please say the word to me, and I will increase the number of lives you touch. Please be assured that I understand your temperament and will only bring you to situations that match your passions, talents, and interests. You are a blessing to children everywhere!

Friday, February 10, 2017


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No, conditions aren't favorable right now. Wait, or look into other options; and ask the angels to help, guide, and comfort you.
There is a reason why you asked for Heaven's opinion about this situation. In your heart, you knew that something was amiss. I am here to help you trust this wisdom within your heart. Although it may seem romantic to jump in without looking, this situation warrants otherwise. Since I am one of your guardian angels, your happiness is my central mission. This situation, as it currently stands, won't bring you the joy that you seek.
There are options available to you. One is to wait. This will certainly improve your outlook, either because you will learn more information, or because something better will come along. The second option is to go ahead with the current situation. You certainly have the free will to do so. Be assured that I will stay with you whether you heed my caution or not. If you fall into a situation where you need my rescue, I will be there with my unconditional love! Each time that you listen to me - and also each time that you ignore me - you grow and learn.

Thursday, February 9, 2017


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Ascended Masters

Powerful, loving, and wise spiritual teachers are watching over and guiding you.
This card indicates that you have a strong connection with one or more ascended masters, who are helping you with the situation you’ve inquired about.  Ascended masters are powerful teachers and healers who once walked the earth.  Many are associated with religions, such as Jesus, Quan Yin, the saints, Moses, Mother Mary, Ganesh, and so forth.  You don’t have to be a religious person to warrant an ascended master’s attention.  The only qualification is a sincere and pure desire to work with the deity for the betterment of humanity and the planet.
The first ascended master or masters who enter your thoughts right now are the beings who are helping you.  These masters love and honor you.  They know of your talents and spiritual gifts, and they’ll help you hone them so that they may be used in sacred service.
Action Steps:
Think of a particular ascended master, and either hold a mental image of the deity or look at his or her painting (you can easily print color images form the internet).  As you think of the ascended master, you’re automatically calling this sacred being to your side.  Stay quiet and notice any feelings such as air pressure changes or warmth as you tune into the master’s presence.
Next, send love from your heart to the deity’s heart.  This occurs just by holding the intention to do so.  Realize that no matter how much love you send to the ascended master, the deity returns the love to you magnified a hundredfold.  Ask the ascended master to assist you in opening your heart so that you can more deeply experience the magical healing properties of love.
This card was drawn from the Angel Therapy Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017


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Shield Yourself

Protect yourself from harsh or fear-based energies by envisioning a cocoon of healing light surrounding you.
The angels brought this card to you because of your heightened sensitivity to energies.  This sensitivity means that you may inadvertently absorb other people’s energies, which may make you feel tired, unfocused, or upset.  Just as you wouldn’t walk outdoors in a rainstorm without an umbrella, it’s important to use an energy umbrella in the face of any emotional downpour.
If you feel negative energy – or people are arguing, competing, or using frightening words – it’s vital for you to shield yourself.  This means imagining that a bubble of protective light surrounds your entire body.  You can also ask Archangel Michael to guard you from lower energies, and you can even “borrow” his shield as a protective buffer.
Action Steps
Visualize yourself surrounded by one or more of the following colors (you can layer colors for multiple purposes, such as a white light next to you for general protection, followed by a second layer of green light for healing, and covered by a third layer of purple light for spiritual protection):
Blue: Increased communication and clarity
Green: Healing and protection of health
Pink: Lightheartedness and romance
Purple: Spiritual protection (shielding from psychic attack)
White: General protection
The light shields last for about 12 hours, less time in harsh circumstances, so re-invoke them

Tuesday, February 7, 2017


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CARD MEANING: Meditation is very important for you right now. Enjoy practicing it often.
A quiet mind hears the voice of the angels more easily. This card is your angels' way of asking you to quiet your mind so that your angelic communications are loud and clear. First thing in the morning, spend at least five minutes with your eyes closed, and breathe deeply three or four times.
Ask your angels a question, and then listen as intentively as you would a dear friend. Don't strain to listen; if you chase the answer, it will evade you. Instead, continue to breathe in and out deeply, and allow yourself to relax. Tell yourself that receiving angelic communication is natural for you, and that it is actually an everyday experience. The more you relax the mind, the easier it is for you to hear the answer.

Monday, February 6, 2017


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CARD MEANING: You are engaged in learning and study right now. Your angels guide you to take time to read, listen, and grow.
This card validates that this is an important time for you to learn new ideas or skills. Perhaps you feel guided to enroll in a class, and this card confirms that feeling. If you are currently attending school, the angels ask you to continue.

Sometimes when we are in a learning phase of life, we become anxious to test our knowledge. Instead of learning, we want to apply what we've learned. However, timing is everything, and this card guides you not to rush into action. Instead, enjoy the process of learning. The growth that accompanies an educational experience is enjoyable if we remind ourselves to stay focused on the here-now moment.    

Sunday, February 5, 2017


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Law of Attraction

Message From Your Angels: Each thought is an investment that pays immediate dividends, so invest wisely. You have the power to choose your thoughts and align them with love, peace, and harmony. At your request, we will gladly attune your energies to higher frequencies.
The angels gave you this card as a reminder that the Law of Attraction can help you improve the situation you’re inquiring about. Complaints and worry only attract more of the same, so elevate your thoughts (with the help of the angels) to attract what you desire. Several times a day, imagine that the situation was presently healed and perfectly manifested. Feel gratitude that it is already so in Spirit, which is the first part of attracting the material aspects of the situation.
Additional Meanings For This Card: Think about your desires, and avoid worrying or complaining • Rise up to the level of the type of person you wish to attract • As your spiritual energy increases, you’ll find yourself less attracted to lower energies in relationships and situations. This is normal, and the angels can help you deal with these endings and beginnings.

Saturday, February 4, 2017


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Base Chakra  

Choose only positive words to describe your home, career and  finances, as your words determine your outcome.

This card indicates that you are focused on your material needs, such as desiring more money.
It’s imperative that you use only positive words and phrases to describe your current situation.
Affirm your desires as already being a reality ..., and avoid worry - or any discussion that casts you in a “victim role “.
The base chakra ( sometimes called the root chakra), located at the bottom of your spinal column, is the energy center that governs your feelings about your material needs.
To open your flow of Divine manifestations, imagine yourself inhaling n sending healing light to the base of your spine.
See and feel a huge ball of ruby red light glowing within you.
Since every worry is a prayer, drawing to you that which you’re worrying about, notice and replace worries with prayers and affirmations.
Call upon the Angels to boost your faith and confidence, which are two magical ingredients in conscious manifestation.
Action Steps
Sit in a quiet location, and bring your mind and body to a calm state.
Breathe in and out deeply while imagining your desired outcome as already being a reality.
For instance, picture yourself being completely financially secure.
As you hold this vision, allow your body to relax, and feel as though the vision were already true.
Feel the warmth of gratitude in your heart, the sense of security in your stomach, n the relaxation of all your muscles as you trust that this vision is manifesting for you right now.....