Friday, June 30, 2017


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Base Chakra  

Choose only positive words to describe your home, career and  finances, as your words determine your outcome.

This card indicates that you are focused on your material needs, such as desiring more money.
It’s imperative that you use only positive words and phrases to describe your current situation.
Affirm your desires as already being a reality ..., and avoid worry - or any discussion that casts you in a “victim role “.
The base chakra ( sometimes called the root chakra), located at the bottom of your spinal column, is the energy center that governs your feelings about your material needs.
To open your flow of Divine manifestations, imagine yourself inhaling n sending healing light to the base of your spine.
See and feel a huge ball of ruby red light glowing within you.
Since every worry is a prayer, drawing to you that which you’re worrying about, notice and replace worries with prayers and affirmations.
Call upon the Angels to boost your faith and confidence, which are two magical ingredients in conscious manifestation.
Action Steps
Sit in a quiet location, and bring your mind and body to a calm state.
Breathe in and out deeply while imagining your desired outcome as already being a reality.
For instance, picture yourself being completely financially secure.
As you hold this vision, allow your body to relax, and feel as though the vision were already true.

Feel the warmth of gratitude in your heart, the sense of security in your stomach, n the relaxation of all your muscles as you trust that this vision is manifesting for you right now.....

Thursday, June 29, 2017


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Ear Chakras

Notice messages that appear as sounds, music, and words, from both external sources and within your mind.  These messages are real answers to your prayers.
You received this card because the angels have been trying to get your attention.  They’ve heard your prayers and are giving you information and instructions so that you can take appropriate action.  You are hearing the angels’ messages in various ways: repetitive songs, an overheard conversation, a stranger’s out-of-the-blue reassurances, or words that you hear in your mind.  The angels’ messages are always loving, positive, trustworthy, and constructive.
Action Steps:
In a quiet place where you’ll be undisturbed, say the following to Archangel Michael:
“I now ask you to vacuum and clear any lower energies in my physical ears or ear chakras.  I am willing to release anything painful that I’ve ever heard, in exchange for clarity in my ability to hear the voice of love and the angels.”

This card was drawn from the Angel Therapy Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017


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“You deserve the best! Reach for the stars with your dreams and desires and don’t compromise”

In the past, you have settled for less than you wanted. But no more. I am here to raise your standards. I am also here to show you that you need not suffer in any way. It isn’t selfish to desire a better life. The more that you receive, the more you are able to give to others. When you allow us to give to you, you’re also supplied with all of the necessary tools for your life’s purpose. You also inspire others when you show that the spiritual path give you all of the support you could ever need. God and the angels want you to enjoy your life. Happiness is a holy part of your Divine mission. Whatever we can do to bring joy and peace into your life, please ask. We have noticed a reluctance on your part to ask for help. Perhaps you have felt that you didn't deserve good, or that you would be taking away from someone else if you received our help. yet God only knows abundance, and humans are the only ones who believe in scarcity. This card is a reminder that God and the angels can only intervene if you request our help.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017


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You have a strong bond with the fairies, and your life purpose involves helping Mother Nature
You drew this card because the fairies wanted to let you know that they’re with you as spirit guides, helping you meet your physical needs and fulfill your life’s purpose. The fairies urge you to spend time outdoors and help with their mission of cleaning the soil, water, and air. They also protect and guide the animals. If you’d like a Divine assignment helping animals or Mother Nature, just ask the fairies! This card also indicates that you’re interested in manifesting money or some other material support. The magical fairies are very glad to assist in your endeavor, provided that you return the favor by doing something good for the environment, such as recycling bottles and cans, or switching to ecofriendly cleaning supplies.
Action Steps:
Go to an area outdoors where trees and plants grow wild without pruning or pesticides. This is the fairies’ preferred location. In all sincerity, say to the fairies:
“I would like to feel and see your presence. Can you please help me get to know you better?” You’ll know you’ve connected with the fairies when you notice idea or impulses that involve improving the environment or helping animals. Often The fairies begin their introduction to a new person by requesting that you remove garbage from a nearby pasture or nature trail. Once you fulfill the fairies request, they’ll gladly help you with your endeavor in return!

Monday, June 26, 2017


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A happy move to a new home or place of employment is in the works. This movement will usher in positive new energy.

Yes, it is time for a move. I am working with your other angels to keep your spirit and energy high during this move. Although it may seem as if moving requires a lot of effort, when you work with me and the other angels, it can actually be a time of great joy. I will help you to find a new location, and then I will assist you with the necessary details. I will also help your other family members to adjust to the move. Just ask!

All I request is your trust. Trust that the Universe and the angels are capable of finding just the right place for you. If you decide on one certain place and it doesn't work out, it is because we are bringing you something that's even better. Expect miracles to occur that allow you to afford this change. Stay positive, and don't buy into illusions or scarcity thinking. We will smooth the way, and we will also help you meet new people who can illuminate your path.

Sunday, June 25, 2017


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You drew this angel card because you’ve been asking about your life’s purpose.  You already know that you have a deep affinity for sacred and spiritual books.  This card affirms that you’d be very fulfilled by taking your love of books to the next level.  You’re aware of what this involves because you’ve dreamed of immersing yourself in good books.
This card also means that the answer to your question is within books.  So pay attention to titles that are recommended to you or books that mysteriously fall from shelves, as they contain guidance for you.
This card is a call for you to take definite action toward your book-related dreams.  Whether you desire to write a book, open a bookstore, or read more, take the next step without delay.  The angels are assisting you with this endeavor, as you’ll read below.
Action Steps
Archangel Gabriel is the “messenger angel” who helps writers, teachers, and others involved with delivering spiritual messages.  Either silently or aloud say:
“Archangel Gabriel, I call upon you now.  Please help increase my courage and confidence to move forward with my book-related desires [tell Gabriel about your dreams related to books].  Thank you for motivating and organizing me so that I spend time every day devoted to my heart’s true desire, allowing my dreams to be manifested in Divinely perfect ways without delay.”

This card was drawn from the Angel Therapy Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue.

Saturday, June 24, 2017


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Archangel Gabrielle

“You have and important life purpose involving communication and the arts. Please don’t allow insecurities to hold you back. I will help you.”

I am with you as one of your guardian angels. You may wonder why an archangel is with you. I help many people simultaneously, and you are among them. I help those whose life purpose is in the arts or communication. I will help you polish and trust in your natural talents. Then I will open doors for you to express those talents in a way that will help others.

What I need from you in return is honesty and cooperation. Tell me about your fears, your hopes, your confusion, your insecurities, and your dreams. Ask me to help you. And then, please walk through the doors of opportunity that I open for you. I am on your side completely! My function is to be your coach, and as such, I may prod you along. Please know that I am only pushing you because I know that you need a little boost from above.

Friday, June 23, 2017


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You are protected from all types of harm. The worst is now behind you. I ask you to relax and feel safe.
No matter what has happened in your past, your present and future are now safely protected by angels. I am helping you to heal from past upsets or trauma. I am helping you to heal your heart of worry or fear. I am here to help you release any self-sabotaging thoughts or behaviour. I am here, in other words, to help you enjoy a renewed sense of safety, and peace of mind.

The other angels and I stand guard around you, your home, your family, your vehicles, and your workplace. You can rest assured that no lower energies can permeate our protective field. We only allow the energy of love to enter wherever you or your loved ones reside. All expressions of fear are transmuted back to the field of illusions from whence they came. The Universe and the angels ask that you relax and enjoy yourself, for your happiness brings a smile to Heaven.

Thursday, June 22, 2017


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Heart Chakra

The angels want you to trust your feelings.  Your heart is wise, and it’s calling for you to make important changes.  Trust this wisdom, as it won’t let you down.  Every time you defy your inner feelings, your heart breaks a little bit.  Repair your heart and your relationship with yourself by honoring your emotions.  For instance, if you’re unhappy with a situation, it means that something is wrong and action is necessary.  Ask the angels to give you courage and support to make healthy changes at home and work.
This card also calls upon you to open your heart to love.  Perhaps you’ve been hurt in prior relationships and are guarded against additional pain.  The angels assure you that they’ll protect you and your heart, so it’s safe for you to feel love and other emotions.  The action steps below will help you follow through on all of the angel’s advice.
Action Steps

Go to a flower shop and purchase one or more fresh pink roses (If you grow them in your garden, that’s even better!).  Carry one with you throughout the day, inhaling its fragrance frequently.  Place one or more on your nightstand to benefit from its ability to open the heart chakra.  When you can’t carry a pink rose with you, you can use pure rose essential oil instead.  In addition, wear a heart-shaped rose quartz crystal pendant (or place the crystal in your bra or shirt pocket) in order to help keep your heart open throughout the day.  The angels will also surround your heart with healing and protective pink light, if you ask them to.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017


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You are confused and indecisive because you do not have enough information. Do research or seek expert advice before making a decision.
You have felt like you are chasing your tail, looking at this option, then that option. This indecisiveness is exhausting you, dear one! The reason why you're confused is that you do not have enough information to make an informed decision. Your choices appear too similar right now, but once you conduct additional research, your decision will become more clear.

First, begin by asking the Universe and the angels to enter your dreams and give you guidance. This means imagining what it would feel like to make this decision. Then, imagine what it would feel like to make the other choice. Go deep within, and notice how your body reacts as you try on the different options. If your gut or jaw tightens, this is a sign that something isn't right. If your heart flutters with warmth, this is a sign that you are on the right path. Before making your final decision, seek the counsel of wise friends and teachers whose experience and intuition can guide you.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017


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Sacral Chakra

You are highly sensitive to chemicals, additives, processed foods, and energies right now.  Respect your sensitivities by avoiding harsh items, situations, and relationships.
The angels sent you this card because they want you to understand your body’s profound sensitivity.  As a highly sensitive individual, you may at times experience confusion or numbness, which is a way of dealing with overwhelming physical sensations.  You may even try to self-medicate with chemicals, foods, or other addictive substances in order to shield yourself from harsh energies.  This card conveys a strong message, asking you to deal with your sensitivities in healthier ways.  The angels want to help you detoxify yourself from chemicals and processed foods.  They’re also leading you away from disagreeable situations and relationships, so allow these changes to occur.  The sacral chakra is the second energy center in the body, located between the tailbone and belly button.  Visualize it glowing a bright and clear shade of orange to keep this chakra balanced.
Action Steps:
Recline in a quiet location and say either silently or aloud:
“Archangels Raphael and Michael, please come to me.  I ask that you detoxify my mental, energetic, emotional, and physical body right now.”
Inhale and exhale deeply as the archangels work to clear you (you may notice shuddering or tingling sensations during this process, which is a positive sign of progress).  When your body calms down, say:
“Thank you Archangels, for this assistance.  I ask that you help me stay grounded and shielded with Divine love and light.”
This prayer will reduce cravings for chemicals because the purpose that they’ve formerly served for you will now be handled metaphysically.

This card was drawn from the Angel Therapy Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue.

Monday, June 19, 2017


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Vacuum Away Fear
“Call upon Archangels Michael and Raphael to lift fear-based energy from you, your surroundings, this situation, and everyone involved.”
You chose this card because you, or someone close to you, have absorbed some energies of fear.  They could have been self-generated from your own foreboding or may have come from being with fearful people.   Whenever you feel tired or have been subjected to substance abuse (such as spending time in a pub or bar), take the time to cleanse away residual energies.  You can conduct this process anytime or anywhere, even when other people are nearby.  You can also conduct this “vacuuming”  for other people – in person or remotely (just be sure to ask their verbal or psychic permission first).
Action Steps  To Vacuum yourself or another, say: “Archangel Michael and Raphael, I call upon you and your healing Band of Mercy Angels to come now with your spiritual vacuum cleaner.  Please deposit the vacuum hose through the crown chakra and suction away toxic, fear-based, or entity energy.” See and feel the vacuum hose completely cleaning the entire inside of the body (including organs, muscles, and bones) from head to toe.  Shudders and other physical reactions are a normal and positive sign that the process is working.  Continue until the body feels quiet, and then say: “Thank you, Michael and Raphael, for this healing.  Please now fill the body with your diamond-bright white light to heal and protect.”

Sunday, June 18, 2017


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The angels want you to know that this is a light-filled time in your life. You have been working toward making changes, and your intentions have now manifested into form. This is the time for you to fill your heart with a warm feeling of gratitude.

The angels ask you, through this card, to hold strong in this gratitude. You are like a gardener who plants seeds and nurtures them because she has faith that her labors will yield new growth. Keep watering and tending to your seeds, and you will soon see them sprouting through the surface. The angels are your co-gardeners, who help you tend to your crop.

Saturday, June 17, 2017


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When you take excellent care of yourself, everybody benefits. Give yourself a relaxing treat today, such as a massage, sea salt bath, or pedicure.
You are a giver, and the Universe loves you for that. Now it is time to give to yourself. I am helping you to spiritually open your body through the process of relaxation. So, you see that relaxing has its own productive side to it!

The more that you allow me and the other angels to give to you, the more you will be able to give to others. Your soul has called out to us, begging for some rest and relaxation. You have been working ceaselessly, and you have also been juggling many other people's interests. Now, it is time for your reward. This is a directive from the Universe: Take care of yourself, and don't allow yourself to be swayed from this important mission. Take steps right now to create time for relaxation. You will feel happier and have more peace of mind as a result, which will benefit everyone in your life!

Friday, June 16, 2017


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Your children on Earth and in Heaven are happy and well cared for by God and the angels.
Your worries about your children have been received as prayers here in Heaven. We understand your concerns, so we surround the souls and bodies of your children with our loving care. This is a time for you to release your children to God, and know that your Creator is their true parent. God is pure love, without judgement or anger. He could never abandon you or your children - nor would He want to!

As one of your children's guardian angels, I watch over them ceaselessly. I never tire of keeping my watchful eye upon them, for as I gaze upon your children, I see their Divine light. I see their true perfection, their goodness, and their innocence. I ask that you see your children through my eyes, which will help their love and light to be fully expressed. I love you, I love your children, and your children love you!

Thursday, June 15, 2017


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CARD MEANING: Conflict is resolved in a situation that was troubling you. Know that you deserve this peace and happiness, and accept it graciously.
Beloved children of God, you are a peace-lover at heart. This card comes to you as a sign of new harmony that dawns upon you. Let go of viewing the situation as troubled, and see yourself and others through the eyes of your guardian angels. In this way, you'll look past the surface and see the beauty and light that eternally shines within everyone.

By shifting your viewpoint to the angelic perspective you become an earth angel. Holding an elevated viewpoint sparks miraculous healings in all of your relationships. Conflict drops away, revealing the clean and new truth about everyone and everything.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017


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Cut Your Cords

Card Meaning:  Ask Archangel Michael to clear any old attachments to fear that stem from past relationships, freeing you from destructive patterns.
You drew this card because negativity connected to a past relationship is interfering with the situation you’ve inquired about.  Fortunately, this toxic energy can be easily vanquished with the help of Archangel Michael, a powerful angel who will release you from the effects of fear.
Anytime you or your partner experience fear within your relationship, a cord (similar to a leash made out of hollow tubing) is attached to both of you.  You may have cords (most people do) connecting you to your parents (living or deceased), siblings, lovers, those whom you’ve helped, such as students or clients, and anyone with whom you’ve shared a significant relationship.  Cords are nothing to be afraid or ashamed of.  They just need to be cut, as they can drain your energy and be the culprit behind physical pain.
Action Steps:
Think of a question or situation that you would like help with.  Then say aloud or silently:
“Archangel Michael, I call upon you now.  Please cut the cords of fear that have been blocking or draining me in the past.  I am now willing to trade all pain for peace.”
If you think of a specific person during this process, ask Michael to help you release the fear from that relationship.  You’ll feel your body shudder as cords are cut one by one.  Don’t worry; you can’t sever cords of love.  Repeat this process anytime you feel drained or blocked, as cords can grow back if fear returns to the relationship.

This card was drawn from the Angel Therapy Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017


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This card reassures you that you are part of an awesome and powerful team of benevolent beings. They surround, guide, and love you constantly. If you are in danger, they will intervene with warnings or lifesaving measures. If you are afraid, they will comfort you with the energy of Divine love. If you are confused, they will whisper guidance in your ear. By drawing this card, your angels and guides ask you to talk to them more frequently. Have mental conversations with them about everything, and you will soon see evidence of their existence. Soon, the angels will enlist you to help other people. If you ever feel doubtful about your ability to help others, ask the angels to help you release these fears.

Monday, June 12, 2017


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I am the Angel of Peace. I bring you new tranquility, and a smoother road ahead.
You have been through turmoil, and your soul is tired. Your mind craves peace and quiet, and I am here to help you with that desire. I will give you new opportunities to spend time alone, where you can relax your mind and heart. I will bring tranquility to your soul so that you can mirror the peace of mind that is your true Divine nature.

Like the angels, you are able to hover within the eye of any hurricanes that may swirl around you right now. Through breath and intention, you can stay centered no matter what's happening in your life. This inner foundation of peace has a powerful healing effect. Your outer life soon reflects your inner peacefulness. Smooth roads are ahead for you, and the worst is behind you now. A peaceful outcome to this situation is assured.

Sunday, June 11, 2017



You've asked for heaven to help you. Now it's up to you to pay attention to the evidence of their help. This card signifies that your angels are trying to get your attention with signs. They might ask a butterfly or bird to fly near you. Or they might compel you to hear a song several times. They might put an object in your path so that you have to notice it. Drawing this card is also a sign from your angels. They are trying to get through - please notice!

You can ask your angels to give you a sign whenever you have a question or a decision to make. Usually it's not a good idea to specify what type of sign you'd like. Leave that up to the angels. They are very good at making their presence known.   

Saturday, June 10, 2017


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Shield Yourself

Protect yourself from harsh or fear-based energies by envisioning a cocoon of healing light surrounding you.
The angels brought this card to you because of your heightened sensitivity to energies.  This sensitivity means that you may inadvertently absorb other people’s energies, which may make you feel tired, unfocused, or upset.  Just as you wouldn’t walk outdoors in a rainstorm without an umbrella, it’s important to use an energy umbrella in the face of any emotional downpour.
If you feel negative energy – or people are arguing, competing, or using frightening words – it’s vital for you to shield yourself.  This means imagining that a bubble of protective light surrounds your entire body.  You can also ask Archangel Michael to guard you from lower energies, and you can even “borrow” his shield as a protective buffer.
Action Steps
Visualize yourself surrounded by one or more of the following colors (you can layer colors for multiple purposes, such as a white light next to you for general protection, followed by a second layer of green light for healing, and covered by a third layer of purple light for spiritual protection):
Blue: Increased communication and clarity
Green: Healing and protection of health
Pink: Lightheartedness and romance
Purple: Spiritual protection (shielding from psychic attack)
White: General protection
The light shields last for about 12 hours, less time in harsh circumstances, so re-invoke them


Friday, June 9, 2017


“I am leading you to toward the answer to your prayers. Please listen to and follow the steps I am communicating through your intuition, thoughts, and dreams”
we can only help you if you request assistance. The way that we angels answer your prayers is
We have heard your prayers, and we are glad that you asked us to help you. As you may know,
by giving you guidance that will lead you to take steps toward your higher self’s will.

Notice repetitive thoughts and feelings; or vivid visions, dreams, or auditory messages. These are my loving messages, urging you to take action or make changes. I will make sure that you are safe while you follow this Divine guidance. Together, we will work to co-create your answered prayer.

Thursday, June 8, 2017


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Twin Flame

Card Meaning:  The answer to your question involves a spiritually based romantic relationship
You drew this card because your twin flame is intricately involved with the answer to your question.  A twin flame is a romantic partner who originated from your spiritual soul group – that is, he or she is “the one” in terms of soul-mate relationships.
Often, twin flames incarnate together during their last lifetime on Earth – after the reincarnation cycle has been completed and all karma has been balanced.  Until that lifetime, however, twin flames usually don’t incarnate simultaneously but instead volunteer to function as one another’s spirit guides.  So your twin flame could be guiding you from the other side, helping you with every area of your life, including romance with a soul mate.

Action Steps:
Write a letter to your twin flame’s guardian angels.  Begin the letter with “Dear Guardian Angels of my Twin Flame,” and then express all of your feelings, thoughts, and questions about your love life.  End the letter by asking these angels to prepare you to meet your twin flame or soul mate and to also arrange this visit.  You’ll recognize your twin flame or soul mate immediately, and there won’t be any doubt in your heart or mind when you’re face-to-face with him or her.