Monday, February 18, 2019



Sacral Chakra

You are highly sensitive to chemicals, additives, processed foods, and energies right
now.  Respect your sensitivities by avoiding harsh items, situations, and relationships.
The angels sent you this card because they want you to understand your body’s profound
sensitivity.  As a highly sensitive individual, you may at times experience confusion or
numbness, which is a way of dealing with overwhelming physical sensations.  You may
even try to self-medicate with chemicals, foods, or other addictive substances in order
to shield yourself from harsh energies. This card conveys a strong message, asking
you to deal with your sensitivities in healthier ways.  The angels want to help you detoxify
yourself from chemicals and processed foods. They’re also leading you away from
disagreeable situations and relationships, so allow these changes to occur. The sacral
chakra is the second energy center in the body, located between the tailbone and belly
button.  Visualize it glowing a bright and clear shade of orange to keep this chakra balanced.
Action Steps:
Recline in a quiet location and say either silently or aloud:
“Archangels Raphael and Michael, please come to me.  I ask that you detoxify my mental,
energetic, emotional, and physical body right now.”
Inhale and exhale deeply as the archangels work to clear you (you may notice shuddering
or tingling sensations during this process, which is a positive sign of progress).  When your
body calms down, say:
“Thank you Archangels, for this assistance.  I ask that you help me stay grounded and
shielded with Divine love and light.”

This prayer will reduce cravings for chemicals because the purpose that they’ve formerly
served for you will now be handled metaphysically.

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