Tuesday, November 3, 2015


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Base Chakra         

Choose only positive words to describe your home, career and  finances, as your words determine your outcome.

This card indicates that you are focused on your material needs, such as desiring more money.
It’s imperative that you use only positive words and phrases to describe your current situation.
Affirm your desires as already being a reality ..., and avoid worry - or any discussion that casts you in a “victim role “.
The base chakra ( sometimes called the root chakra), located at the bottom of your spinal column, is the energy center that governs your feelings about your material needs.
To open your flow of Divine manifestations, imagine yourself inhaling n sending healing light to the base of your spine.
See and feel a huge ball of ruby red light glowing within you.
Since every worry is a prayer, drawing to you that which you’re worrying about, notice and replace worries with prayers and affirmations.
Call upon the Angels to boost your faith and confidence, which are two magical ingredients in conscious manifestation.
Action Steps
Sit in a quiet location, and bring your mind and body to a calm state.
Breathe in and out deeply while imagining your desired outcome as already being a reality.
For instance, picture yourself being completely financially secure.
As you hold this vision, allow your body to relax, and feel as though the vision were already true.
Feel the warmth of gratitude in your heart, the sense of security in your stomach, n the relaxation of all your muscles as you trust that this vision is manifesting for you right now.....

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