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"A Plexus friend was giving blood. The nurse asked her if she took anything that aided in oxygenation. She said, "Yes! Why?" The nurse had her take a look around the room. Everyone else who was giving blood had dark red blood and hers was bright red! So bright red blood is the sign of oxygenation!
Have You Asked Your Angels For Help With This?
Card Meaning: Your angels want to help you with this situation; however, they require your permission before they can intervene in your freewill choices.
This card indicates that you’ve been going it alone, trying to single-handedly find answers and solutions. All the while, your angels hover nearby awaiting the moment when you give them the go-ahead signal so that they can help you.
You drew this card because the angels want to assist you with this situation, but they can only do so if you give them permission. The angels are available to you right now – to answer your questions, give you guidance, and speed your manifestations. It’s true that God and the angels already know what you need. However, because God created you and everyone with free will, Heaven can only intervene if you give permission. It doesn’t matter whether you ask for help aloud, in written form, silently or even what words you choose. What matters is that you ask. If you’re unsure of what to ask for or are concerned about asking for the wrong thing or requesting less than God’s will, then ask Heaven to help you with clarity and courage.
Action Steps:
Whether you’re seeking answers and guidance, healing and relief, or a manifestation of your earthly material needs, your angels can assist you in powerful ways. Take a moment right now to ask for your angels’ help, either silently or aloud. Please don’t worry about asking for the wrong thing or stating your prayer in an incorrect way, as the angels respond to the intention that underlies your request. After you ask for their help, watch for and follow the angel’s replies, which will come in the form of gut feelings, dreams, ideas, and signs.
So what does that mean? Lacking oxygen in your blood can cause serious health conditions. But did you know that most disease cannot thrive in an oxygenated environment?
If you are taking BioCleanse, you are oxygenating your blood! Now... I'm not saying that Plexus products cure anything, BUT BioCleanse helps oxygenate your blood!"
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