Tuesday, February 13, 2018


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You drew this angel card because you’ve been asking about your life’s purpose.  You already know that you have a deep affinity for sacred and spiritual books.  This card affirms that you’d be very fulfilled by taking your love of books to the next level.  You’re aware of what this involves because you’ve dreamed of immersing yourself in good books.
This card also means that the answer to your question is within books.  So pay attention to titles that are recommended to you or books that mysteriously fall from shelves, as they contain guidance for you.
This card is a call for you to take definite action toward your book-related dreams.  Whether you desire to write a book, open a bookstore, or read more, take the next step without delay.  The angels are assisting you with this endeavor, as you’ll read below.
Action Steps
Archangel Gabriel is the “messenger angel” who helps writers, teachers, and others involved with delivering spiritual messages.  Either silently or aloud say:
“Archangel Gabriel, I call upon you now.  Please help increase my courage and confidence to move forward with my book-related desires [tell Gabriel about your dreams related to books].  Thank you for motivating and organizing me so that I spend time every day devoted to my heart’s true desire, allowing my dreams to be manifested in Divinely perfect ways without delay.”
This card was drawn from the Angel Therapy Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue.

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